My living conditions have always reflected my current state of mind. Seriously, for the folks who knew me in my former life as an American, think back on the places I've lived and I guarantee they will match perfectly with whatever was going on in my life at the time. Remember when I stopped being a non-leather wearing vegetarian? The first thing I did (after eating a cheeseburger) was go out and buy all new leather furniture. And a leather miniskirt. :)
Anyway, right now my apartment is cluttered! And a little dirty. ;) I noticed it in Thailand, when it took me about .009 nanoseconds to have the contents of my backpack spread throughout the hotel room, and I thought, hmmm...clearly I have some shit I need to figure out when I get home...
And then came the epiphany.
And I woke up this morning, looked around, and was disgusted at all the STUFF everywhere!!! Yay! My brain is uncluttered!! Time to get cleaning. I don't mind being a little dirty, it keeps things interesting, but I like to maintain a clear, open, balanced mind.
Good Morning
Judging from the texts and missed calls on my phone when I woke up this morning, I'd say Joel and Paul had a pretty good time last night. :) Nothing like waking up to a text that says I LOVE YOUR TACO! hahahahahahaha! I love you boys.

Just a few photos from Thailand. the first one is my favorite. Sitting besides such a large structure and offsetting the colors with the blue pants.
then playing copy cat, and I'm pretty sure there was some sort of non-intended sacrilege performed at that moment.
The candels photo is a personal favorite.
and of course, Jes needed to get her mexican on (sorry Jes's mom :D ) so i took her to the one mexican restaurant in Chiang Mai and she got the cleanest most non-messy nachos I've ever seen (hahaha what did you guys think when I said mexican? sheesh, i'm not that kind of boy) ...and then we drowned them with the only tequila they had..."mexican ole" tequila. which barely made it past the vocal cords. UGH!!!!
:D so warm and cozy in here!!!
Man, it's so warm being inside J's.......uh.........blog. :D
Still trying to sort all the photos from Thailand, and for some unknown reason, the guest photographer in Chiang Mai seems to have taken so many shots that are amazing and full of win and awesome, that I am at a loss on which ones to post. There are so many good photos that she took, that I can't seem to make myself delete any and I can't decide which ones to post.
I think I will work on a little .gif movie and see what I can come up with. There was a moment of clarity at a temple where the young lady in question managed to create a collage of photos in quick succesion.
I'm truly amazed at the powers she holds, since mine don't compare.
I'm currently awake, and suffering from insomnia. which sucks!!!! maybe I'll make some food and that oughta help me sleep. I guess it's friday nite there, so I figure the lot of you are out at a dirty hut getting absolutely shit faced. Which is awesome. I will be at it later tonite..friday.
I sent in my racing license today, and am excited to get the bike squared away and ready for the first race of the season in March. Maybe I can even convince someone to be my pit chick for any and all serviceable needs. who knows? It would require the use of my tool...s! :D
man, this blog sucks!!!
Stay tuned for a special post from my first ever guest blogger...
And remember...you promised to be nice!!!!! ;)
Ever have the kind of epiphany that feels like you got hit upside the head with a baseball bat?
I am, indeed, a slow learner.
Charlie the Unicorn
Candy Mountain...It's a land of sweets and joy...and joyness!
Seriously, I need help.
Self Portrait

Ever think to yourself, "Man, I really wonder what Jes looks like in the morning?" Ummm...actually, please don't answer that question. Anyway, here you go. I took this about 5 minutes after I woke up...Can you tell how grumpy and hungover I was feeling? I'm really not a fan of mornings. I wouldn't advise anyone to come near me before I've had at least 3 cups of coffee. Andy (who is never, ever grumpy and always perfect) used to get on my case about how nasty I would be to him in the mornings, thus requiring me to adopt a "NO MORE MORNING PEOPLE AS FRIENDS" policy. I kept Andy around, though, mostly because he woke up so early so there was always coffee made by the time I would get my lazy ass out of bed. :)

I don't know if the Chiang Mai hashers loved or hated me, but they sure made me spend ALOT of time on the ice, and they definitely did their best to get me wasted. I always say this and nobody believes me, but I CANNOT FUNNEL BEER!!! Thanks to Gaylord (who's with me in the top picture) for sending the pics. In his own words, he is a "responsible and true friend who keeps his word." In my own words, "Shut up. There's no reason for hot dudes to ever talk. Just get me a drink and take your shirt off and stand around looking pretty and dumb and easy to take advantage of." :)
Back to work today. Ugh.
Of course, I do teach the bestest kids in the entire universe, so at least I have that to look forward to.

If I ever finish building my time machine, these are 2 days I'd re-live over and over again. But maybe without the coughing. :)
The Best Things In Life
After spending all day watching chick flicks to help further my unrealistic expectations of men and relationships, I was feeling a bit sappy. I saw this on Trojan's blog and decided to "borrow" it. I took some of them out, as they didn't really fit into my definition of the best things in life, and I added a few others, but I'm not telling which ones! :) You can check out the whole list on Trojan's blog, or on BTE's.
Falling in love.
Laughing so hard your face hurts.
A hot shower.
A special glance.
Getting mail.
Taking a drive on a pretty road.
Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
Green dots.
A long distance phone call.
A good conversation.
The beach.
Singing out loud.
Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.
Laughing at yourself.
Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
Running through sprinklers.
Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
Laughing at an inside joke.
Falling in love.
Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
First kisses.
Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
Having someone play with your hair.
Hot chocolate.
Road trips with friends.
Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch.
Bedtime stories.
Going to a really good concert.
Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
Spending time with close friends!
Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends and family.
Holding hands with someone you care about.
Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change. Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
Watching the sunrise.
Crying at movies.
Waking up next to someone you really want to wake up next to.
Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problem.

Joel and I have some sweet moves! Nothing that compares to Cammy's latest move though...really wish I had a picture of that one!!! :)
Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time...
From Joel...
Quit throwing fish tacos at me!! I'M BLIND!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Is there anything better than a cinnamon frosted pop tart? I can't think of anything that even comes close.
Use The Force

I can't believe they didn't arrest me.
Mid afternoons in Seoul are sooo different from mid afternoons in Chiang Mai. I think I prefer Chiang Mai. :) I definitely prefer the weather there! It's fucking cold here! Coming home to snow was not cool at all.
Pics from the trip are coming soon, though most of the good ones are on my friend's camera. :( It was a seriously amazing time - every second rocked. No time to tell you more now, I gotta jump in the shower and head to Carne Station. YUM!
Hmmm...and I need to find a blue jacket...