I'm so fucking cute, there ought to be a law. Here is me, with my trainer Yong-su on the right and his best friend Jin Pil on the left.

Saturday night I met people from my gym for a few drinks. A few drinks quickly turned into many, many bottles of soju and lots and lots of beer. I finally half stumbled/half fell home around 4, and man, I was
hurting today!! Soju hangovers are the absolute worst! The cutie in blue is...ME!! duh! :) Just kidding. The guy in blue is my tireless, very patient trainer who is doing a wonderful job of getting my lazy ass in shape. And don't forget to comment on my new haircut!
So, I've been tagged by DNA. That'll teach me to steal shit off her blog!
The Rules:
1. Go write 6 weird facts/things/etc. about yourself on your blog, then tag six more people!
2. Let them know they've been tagged.
Ok, here goes. I'm not sure how shocking these will be...my mom reads this, afterall, and a girl does need to keep some secrets!!
1. I have an extra rib.
2. Once, I lost a bet and had to eat a scorpion. It was just as gross as it sounds.
3. I was briefly homeless and lived in my 1996 Plymouth Neon (which was, btw, the bestest car
ever!!!!). I had to shower in the waterfalls at Glen Onoka.
4. I hate hippies and mayonnaise equally.
5. My favorite word is 'DENDROFILOUS' (look it up).
6. I smoked pot with George Clinton.
Let's see...I tag Andrew, Trojan, BTE, Ian, Rachel Lynn, and Raf. And Kristy. It's about time she gets a blog!!