For The Boys...

I remember reading about
this last year, and I was just reminded of it again when I read Rafael's blog. HAHA! Sounds like a good theme for a hash...
What Day Is It??
So I woke up super early today, jumped in the shower, got dressed and was all set to head out to work. And then I realized it's Saturday. AND IT'S A 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!! Why am I awake?!?!? AARRGGHH!!!
So I put my pajamas back on, made some unbelievably delicious french toast and lounged around stuffing myself full of sugary goodness and caffeine while watching Happy Feet. Thank God Megan's out of town this weekend...she would have died laughing if she had seen me dancing around the living room like a penguin.
That, some laundry, and a phone call from Beaker was my morning. Now I'm dancing around to The Killers while I sort of clean my room
(I got Seoul but I'm not a Seouldier...haha!) and soon I'll be off to meet RL for a whole day of good times and makkolli!!!
Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!!!
1. Name people who made you laugh yesterday? My students, Beaker, Rachellynn, the stranger on the subway...I laugh at everyone. Notice I said 'at,' not 'with.'
2. What were you doing at 8 this morning? Meditating.
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Walking the streets of Yaksu wondering why everyone who has memorized 2 words of English feels the need to practice them on me.
4. What is something that happened to you in 1994? I graduated from Shikellamy High School.
5. What is the last thing you said aloud? I'm too old for this shit.
6. How many different things did you drink today? 5.
7. What colour is your hairbrush? Don't have one.
8. What was the last thing you bought? Pocari Sweat.
9.Who is your best friend? That honor (and I do mean HONOR) goes to AndyScap.
10.What colour is your front door? Yucky dirty mint green.
11. Where do you keep your change? Hmm...some in my backpack, some in my desk, some in a big container on my shelf, some in my coat pocket...
12. What was the weather like today? Cold! Although when I asked my 4 year olds that question they answered "MONDAY!!!" so maybe I'm missing something.
13. What is the best ice-cream flavor? I tend to lean towards anything chocolate. OK, who am I kidding - I lean towards anything ice-cream!
14. What is something you are excited about? It's a secret, so I can't say...but I'm SOO excited about it!!!!!!! The 2nd thing I'm most excited about?? Beak's resume being posted on Dave's ESL...
15. When was the last rainbow you saw? In Seoul?? With this filthy air?!? Yeah, right! Maybe I saw a rainbow sticker on the door to a gay club recently...
16. Do you have a sister? I have 3 NB sistahs, but no biological ones. Although my brother Brownie is kind of a sissy, does that count?
17. Are you very random? I have issues with the word random like RL has issues with the word surreal.
18. Do you want to cut your hair? Right now? Nope.
19. Are you over the age of 25? By 1/2 a decade.
20. Do you talk a lot? Sometimes.
21. Do you watch The OC? Never have, never will.
22. Make up a question and answer it. What is the absolute grossest thing on the planet?? Why clearly that would be mayonnaise. Oh, and hippies. OH GOD - hippies who eat mayonnaise!!! Ugh. I just made myself throw up.
23. Do you know anyone called Steve? Yes.
24. Are you ticklish? Just reading the word 'ticklish' makes me squirm.
25. Are you typically a jealous person? Nope. Not at all.
26. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A.' Andy. Duh. Who else?
27. Do you chew on your straw? Sometimes.
28. What is the next concert you’re going to? Hmm...I have no plans to go to any concerts, though I did make Gwansic promise to take me to his university's Rock and Roll festival which I think is in May...
29. Who is the coolest person in your life? Me. And if you're reading this that makes me the coolest person in your life, too.
30. What is something you say a lot? DON'T SPEAK KOREAN!!! :) And when I'm not at school, any curse word.
31. What is the last thing you ate? Chicken. I bought it off the back of a truck so I'm waiting for the hepatitis/food poisoning/avian flu to set in.
32. Have you seen the movie ‘Donnie Darko’? Yeah. And frankly, I don't get the fuss.
33. Do you have work tomorrow? Yup. And it's jeans day! Woo Hoo! Wake up, throw some jeans on, make it through the day, and *poof* LONG WEEKEND!!!!
34. Is marriage in your future? Doesn't appear to be.
35. What should you be doing right now? Umm...if there was something I
should be doing I would go do it.
36. Do you have a nickname? I have several. A small sampling: Jes, Teish, Begging For It
37. Are you a heavy sleeper? I used to be, but not anymore.
38. When was the last time you used a skateboard? The day before I moved to Korea.
39. What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks? Scoop. Though to be fair I haven't watched many movies lately.
40. Are you currently depressed? A little bit, yeah. Nothing a long weekend won't cure.
Call Vegas...
What's the over-under on Andy flying over here to surprise me for Valentine's Day?????
DAY 1:
Saturday morning I woke up SUPER EARLY and began my 5 hour journey to Ulsan to visit Gwansic and his family. Gwansic met me at the bus station and used his superb driving skills to take me to his house to meet his family and have lunch. I'm not sure who hands out the Korean Mother of the Year awards, but Gwansic's mom definitely gets my vote!!!
After we finished eating we headed out to do some hiking, and I got to see the East Sea for the first time! It was so awesome! We wandered around for a few hours, checked out a lighthouse, climbed on some rocks, played some games (I won a super cool seashell necklace) and then headed out for some food. I forget the name of what we ate, but it was really delicious - noodles with clams and a few vegetables. After food, we went to a park which was made by one of the oil companies (Ulsan is an industrial town). It looked very similar to Lake Park in Ilsan, but unfortunately our visit was cut short because of rain. Stupid rain!! ARGH!!
With nothing else to do, we dropped the car off and walked down the street for some beer. Whatever section of Ulsan we were in was dead quiet, especially for a Saturday night. We drank a beer or two and talked and I learned all kinds of interesting things about my friend! We left the bar pretty early and headed back to Gwansic's house, making a brief stop so I could grab a small gift for his mom. When we got back to the house there were yummy sweet potatoes waiting for us, and I was sooooo happy. His mom and I spent a little bit of time putting Gwansic's translating skills to the test, and then it was off to bed. Here's some pics from the first day...

Just got back from an awesome weekend. Gwansic and his family were the greatest hosts you could possibly wish for!! More pictures and info to follow...right now I'm going to bed!! Good night!!