This is the picture that was waiting for me this morning when I woke up...a SUPERMIDGET!! I love him!! Thanks Kristy, you're fanfuckingtabulous!!!
My Weekend/S2H3 Trash
This was my weekend to relax and take it easy. I had planned on not drinking at all, which is why I was surprised to wake up Sunday morning with the worst hangover ever. The pain in my head wasn't leaving much room for any thoughts but a few that got through were along the lines of, "How did I get home?!? What happened to me last night?!?" and, of course, what everyone says when they wake up with a horrible hangover, "I didn't think I drank that much..." I took a quick peek at my camera to fill in the blanks and found these:

Jared, Chris, and Tim. Dirty bastards, the whole lot! Forcing me to drink so much!
At this point I figured I had about 2 1/2 hours to sleep until I had to throw some clothes on, scrub my teeth, and head to Youido for the hash. No problem. I figured a few more hours of sleep and I'd be golden. HA! Checked my alarm, passed out cold, and woke up in what seemed like a few minutes later to an angry Chicken Fucker yelling at me via cell phone. "JESSICA!! TELL ME YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY!!" "huh? owwww...my head..." "JESSICA!! GET HERE NOW! I SAT MY ASS ON A TRAIN FOR 2 HOURS...blah, blah, blah." You know how those soldiers like to talk all tough and all. So, yeah, I overslept. Surprise, surprise. It was 11:15, trail started at 11. Oops.
I finally made it to the subway and headed to Youido station. I had to get off twice (off of the train, people...get your minds out of the gutter!) on the way to puke my guts out. Charming image, I know. I finally get there and of course the pack is loooong gone, I'm guessing most everyone is finished with trail by now. I start following trail marks and make it into Youido Park where I meet Beaver and Dodic, who are retrieving their cars to head to the circle. YAY! No more running! I jump in Beaver's car, he gets lost, does about a million U-turns, and finally we get to the park and circle up. I'm a bit sad to have missed trail, as many of the hashers said it was the best trail in weeks.
Down-Downs administered to virgin Just Nick and a first timer from the Beijing Hash. Of course the hares (Countess and Ate Ball) drank. Beaver was forced to drink from his shoe. A GM wearing new shoes to a hash?!?!? SHAME!!! FRB's drank, I had to drink for being dead fucking last on trail, and there was a great trial by down down between Arwein and Triple H.

After circle the group went their separate ways. Santa's Sack headed home to study for his exams, a few of the hashers drove the visiting Beijing hasher to the airport, some went home, and a few of us went to The Wolfhound in Itaewon for some food, and to teach Chicken Fucker what Fish and Chips are. He really didn't know. Turns out, he's a big fan of fish. :)
It was a great day, and I'm looking forward to next week's trail. Maybe I'll even show up on time for once. Here's some more pictures from Saturday night and the hash. Enjoy, Biatches!