Friday Feast #90
I enjoy these so much on DNA's blog I decided to steal it for myself!! It's more like Sunday brunch than a Friday Feast, what with the time change and all, but hopefully you'll enjoy it anyway!!
AppetizerList 3 things you keep putting off.Only 3? Let's see...
1. Cleaning out my fridge. It
needs to be done, but I just can't make myself do it.
2. Being a little more proactive re: learning to speak/read Korean.
3. I should tell QNL how much I value our amazing, unique friendship. I never tell him because I assume he knows, but what if he doesn't know? I really would be truly lost without him.
SoupWhat do you feel is your greatest responsibility?Hmmm...I used to have so much responsibility, and that's no way to live so I got rid of it all. Now, as long as I get out of bed in the morning I feel pretty good about myself. I do live with a great sense of responsibility to do what I can to help ease the suffering of others, does that count?
SaladIf you could have starred in any movie, which one would you have wanted to be in and why?Let's see...of course Tomb Raider, because I
am the real Lara Croft. I'm still pissed they chose Angelina Jolie over me. Just because her tits are a little bigger than mine (and by a little, I mean
alot)...I would have looked just as hot in that outfit! And I think I could have pulled off being a Charlie's Angel as well. If you're looking for something with a little more emotion...I think Keira Knightley's character in Pride and Prejudice is pretty similar to the real me.
Main CourseWhat is an expectation you had as a child about being an adult and, now that you are grown up, you realize you were wrong?I totally thought everyone would be living on the moon and driving to work in space ships. I didn't even watch that many episodes of 'The Jetsons.' I also thought it would be fairly easy for me to grow up and become a Beastie Boy, but that hasn't happened yet, either. I think growing up in a small town with the immediate and extended family I had, I was fairly well protected from the complicatedness (is that even a word?) of certain things. I never expected that as an adult simple, easy things could become so twisted and complicated.
DessertWhen was the last time you had your car serviced?What?!? You have to get cars serviced?!? Yeah, right.
Think About It...
This is a quote from Buddhist Scriptures. I found it in a great book I am currently reading titled 'Beyond the Sky and the Earth.' Over the years I have developed the habit of taking refuge in strange, foreign places rather than looking at what was going on at home. Always looking for the greener grass, I guess. I don't intend to stop travelling, but I am slowly starting to learn that no matter where I go (and believe me, I plan to go to some
interesting places) I am my only truly safe refuge.
And if you hit upon the idea that this or that country is safe, prosperous, or fortunate, give it up, my friend...for you ought to know that the world is ablaze with the fires of some faults or others. There is certain to be some suffering...and a wholly fortunate country does not exist anywhere. Whether it be excessive cold or heat, sickness or danger, something always afflicts people everywhere; no safe refuge can thus be found in the world.
I'm Not the Tallest Person in Korea!!
Weirdo Korean Find #512 fucking weird is this? See the little bottles at the guys feet? It's some kind of alcohol that he makes from these unbelievably ugly, creepy, crawly bugs.
I don't know exactly what they are, but several people told me they're poisonous. He sells the shit for 20,000 a bottle (about 20 US bucks). It's supposed to be good for all kinds of health ailments, but let me tell you, the shit doesn't look appetizing at all. Even Brownie wouldn't drink this stuff.
This guy was totally amused at how grossed out I was that people actually drink this (well, he says people drink this...I didn't see anyone buy

anything from him!) so he kept flicking the towel at me everytime I tried to get close enough to take a picture.
Spa Castle Rocks!

If anyone from Korea is reading this, you should stop immediately and go directly to Spa Castle. Seriously. Who knew heaven was a mere two hour bus ride from Seoul?
Spa Castle is a new Spa/Sauna that opened about a year ago. It's gorgeous, not too crowded, and pretty reasonably priced. My crappy photography skills make it a little hard to tell, but inside there's a huge pool with a bunch of different stations. Each one has jets or currents designed to massage/exercise different muscle groups. It's great. They also have

the traditional Korean sauna, which was definitely a new experience for me. It was a bit (and by a bit I mean
alot) uncomfortable at first, seeing as how I haven't really been scrubbed clean by anyone besides myself since I was a baby. And this wasn't just getting washed by someone else. This Korean woman literally scrubbed at least two layers of skin off me using gloves that were basically the same consistency as Brillo pads.
It hurt!!! And then I got a massage that actually left bruises on me. Afterwards, praying that the torture was over,

she stretched and twisted me into all sorts of painful positions. Luckily it was worth skin is lovely and soft and glowing and hasn't looked this good in years!
Anyway, back to the spa...outside they have a wave pool, lots of fun waterslides, and a bunch of different hot tubs to soak in. Some are filled with ginseng, sulfur, green tea, etc. because they're considered to be good for your health. They also have all kinds of steam rooms, ice rooms, oxygen rooms, rooms full of bamboo mats to nap on, lounge chairs under super warm heat lamps, waterfalls to play in...basically anything you might possibly need to help you relax is available. I went with my friend Soe (that's her in the picture), her husband Sean, and Sean's friend Bill who was visiting from Connecticut. We all agreed that the outdoor spas would be just unreal during a snowstorm so hopefully we'll make another trip in the winter!
Tried to post more pics, but apparently Blogger hates me. I need some sleep now, but I'll post some more tomorrow.

Had my kindergarten class do a little Easter can see how thrilled they were. They did perk up a bit when we dyed Easter eggs. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Easter with lots of yummy food and family time! Cooking and eating are two of the things my family does best, and today I was definitely feeling a little homesick for Easter dinner at my Aunt Debbie's!