Are We There Yet???
19 hours and 20 minutes driving time so far. It's been awesome.
We're in Arizona.
ON ON to Knave's!!
GLF knows every word to Private Dancer by Tina Turner.
In the BATTLE OF WHO COULD FIT MORE PRINGLES IN THEIR MOUTH AT ONCE, I lost to Gaylord by one. One stupid pringle! It was a crushing defeat. I could've had him if he didn't spend so much time exercising his jaw...
Glen Onoko

One of my favorite places in the world happens to be Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, a mere 45 or so minute drive from my house in Allentown. When I lived there I took many, many sick days from my job to go hiking, biking, rafting, beer drinking, and hanging out there. It's also the town where my good buddy Charlie lives, and where the most fabulous Chris Cassidy grew up. Chris and I have hiked the Glen Onoko Falls Trail so many times I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else. My favorite time to go there is in the winter, cause all the waterfalls are frozen and it just looks awesome and there are no other people around. It was the last thing Chris and I did together before I left for Korea. It was the first thing we did together when I finally made it back to PA, but this time he took the sick day. :)
After the hike we headed to Molly Maguire's Pub for some wings and beer. Yum. It was a good day.

I'm STILL An Idiot...
I turned on the TV just now and was like, "Whoa! Superman Returns is on!! What a coincidence! I just watched that movie earlier today!"
Then I realized the DVD was still playing...

Hmmm...Thanks to Andy for the little gift. Charming. I would say it's meant as a joke, but shortly before opening the email I realized that, starting early this morning when I woke up, tried to roll over, but instead bashed my head on the shelf next to the bed, and including just now, when I went down to the basement to do some laundry and bashed my forehead into the low ceiling, I have somehow managed to hit my head 17 (!!!) times today. That makes me special, indeed. :)
Otherwise, everything is good.
ON ON to TXIH!! We're gonna leave Wednesday morning, driving from San Fran to Austin. We'll spend Thursday night in Austin, and I guess we'll make it to wherever the hash is sometime Friday. KBS, Kit-Kat, and Gay Ho are gonna be in attendance as well, so there'll be a good showing of former S2H3ers!! We'll see if everyone who starts out on the road trip is gonna finish the road trip...After 2 years in Seoul with no license, I'm not sure if my driving or my navigating skills will be worse. Either way, I'm sure to be receiving lots of eye rolls. Hopefully GLF's stylish sunglasses we picked up in Bakersfield will help hide them from my view, since I tend to be a bit sensitive about that stuff. :)
Got my ticket from Portland (Chris) to Colorado Springs (Brownie). Can't wait. After Colorado Springs I'll be back in Texas. I'm looking forward to some girl time (ladies), some Heidi time (Heidi) and some decent live music (Ass Gagger)!!
I'm having a great time, but I miss Korea. I miss Joel. I miss always having things to do. I miss having friends around to do things with. I miss 3 a.m. phone calls and texts (never thought I'd say that!!!), Air Supply serenades, and bedtime stories. Not that I'm complaining, because I really am having a great time. It's just different and parts of it are a huge adjustment. I don't think I'll ever be able to cut my food with a knife again. :) Too bad there's no way to combine the best of both worlds, eh?
In case you guys miss pictures of me and Joel as much as I do, here's one of us that was taken on the night I left Seoul for the Americas...