Deeper Shade Of Seoul
31 12월 2005
"Jes...wake up...what time do you have to be at work today?"
"Not until 8."
"It's 8:45..."
And thus began my day...but at least I wasn't so hungover I could barely stand and/or quite possibly still legally drunk, like yesterday morning. And thank God for Andy constantly looking out for me...I would easily have slept 'till noon.
It's the 3rd annual New Year's Eve Eve Festivus Celebration tonight at the Sunset in Atown. Good food, good beer, good people...and maybe, if it's truly sorry for what it did on Wednesday, I'll welcome a little Jager back into my life. I am, afterall, a very forgiving person.
"Not until 8."
"It's 8:45..."
And thus began my day...but at least I wasn't so hungover I could barely stand and/or quite possibly still legally drunk, like yesterday morning. And thank God for Andy constantly looking out for me...I would easily have slept 'till noon.
It's the 3rd annual New Year's Eve Eve Festivus Celebration tonight at the Sunset in Atown. Good food, good beer, good people...and maybe, if it's truly sorry for what it did on Wednesday, I'll welcome a little Jager back into my life. I am, afterall, a very forgiving person.
30 12월 2005
as soon as my head stops pounding i'll post some pics showing you why i should never drink jager again.
as soon as my head stops pounding i'll post some pics showing you why i should never drink jager again.
29 12월 2005
27 12월 2005
I Guess I'm Starting To Show My Age...
Another marathon work day, working at both the shelter and the bar. Plus, Andy comes home tomorrow (YAY!!!) so I have to find time to do all the household chores that I told him were already done. Luckily he knows me well enough to not expect too much from me in this area, so it really shouldn't take long to get everything finished. And finding time to update this blog sure isn't easy, because God knows I would never think of violating the shelter's policy of not using the internet for personal use. I figure since I'm sharing with you, dear readers, it's not really very 'personal' at all. Besides, our secretary doesn't exactly adhere to the 'Thou shalt not abuse sick time' commandment so I figure by the time she shows up to type the memo reminding me of such policy I'll be long gone in Korea.This morning I stopped for gas on my way to work (see how exciting my life is?!?) and the gas station guy said to me, "Looks like you got up pretty late this morning. You didn't even have time to put your makeup on." Hmmm. This might have been an appropriate statement, except that I have never seen this man before, for once I actually didn't get up late, and I have worn makeup one time in my entire life (I'm fairly certain that this particular gas station man was not around to witness it) and have absolutely sworn on all that is holy to never do so again.
26 12월 2005
Merry Freaking Christmas

Overall, it wasn't a bad holiday. I spent most of the day at the shelter. I had been worried that I would be the one in charge of making Christmas dinner (they're already homeless, for God's sake...why make them suffer any more?) but I conveniently escaped that chore by offering to take the kids to the movies. Since the movie didn't start until later in the afternoon I still had to help a little with the meal, but at least I wasn't in charge of it. And despite my best efforts, it turned out OK. Having no children of my own, it was kind of fun playing Santa even though the magic of the holidays has long since vanished from these kids' lives. It's a sad, sad thing when the best Christmas they've ever had has taken place away from their families in a homeless shelter.
25 12월 2005
Christmas Eve, and nothing to do. Andy left yesterday to spend the holidays with his family so I get the whole house all to myself! Being home alone with lots of free time was very exciting in theory, but now it's here and I must admit that I'm pretty fucking bored. I have a million things to do before I leave, I just don't feel like doing any of them. I reread 'Brokeback Mountain,' which clearly gets 2005's award for best gay cowboy movie that I haven't seen. And I tried to start packing, but that turned out to be an impossible task. hmm...should i take the snakeskin boots, or part of that stack of books i've been meaning to read forever? both would be useful, just in different ways...I wonder if my new roommate will let me put my Pee Wee Herman bobblehead doll in the living room - i don't want to put him in my room because it's kind of creepy the way he stares at me and shakes his head all night. And on and on. Wanting to feel some sense of accomplishment I threw in a few items, then gave up and retreated to the TV. My only bright spot came in the form of a phone call from Adam (California Adam, not England Adam), who has decided to embark on his own teaching adventure in the new year, but unfortunately not in South Korea.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, peace on earth, and all that other shit. Hopefully I'll catch up with some of you this week...stop by O'Malley's Tuesday night to help welcome Chris and Laura back to the states, or meet me at the pub crawl on Wednesday.
Anyway, Merry Christmas, peace on earth, and all that other shit. Hopefully I'll catch up with some of you this week...stop by O'Malley's Tuesday night to help welcome Chris and Laura back to the states, or meet me at the pub crawl on Wednesday.