HAHA!! My amazing friend Stephanie and I just devised the best plan ever!!! It involves pancakes shaped like people, lots of Bailey's, and 2 very hungry monsters!!! HAHAHA!!! I hope my friends know how much I love them, and how grateful I am that they put up with me!!

Out of the 60 million times Stephie and I had breakfast at Nick's Diner (that number is no exaggeration, btw...sometimes we were there several times a week), this was the only photo I could find. From when I gave Stephanie my heart, right before moving to Korea. :) Check out the cute little Bailey's mini sitting there...Nick's is a no booze establishment, but they always looked the other way when we would not-so-subtly sneak some in for our coffee.
Lots of Lehigh Valley people check out my should all go to Nick's for breakfast. It's on Tilghman in Allentown, next to Bike line, about 1.5 blocks behind Ringer's Roost. :)

Here are some other photos I found while I was reminiscing about my decade or so in Allentown. The first is when I was packing to come here, and Andy was sooo patient about me having shit all over the house. You can see my pet turtle, Kabugie, who is here in my apartment in Yaksu! The bottom is me lounging/napping in front of the TV, which is something I looove doing! Hahaha...Lots of hashers will recognize that couch...somewhere I have pics of M'Orally Challenged and Tour de Puke passed out &/or puking on it!!

I love Korea. These are pics from Suwon. I loved, loved, loved the
fortress wall!!!! When I have my own city, it's definitely having a fortress wall!!!
Where I Live

Lovely Yaksu. Only 1 month left to be an official resident of The Yak. I was walking to work Thursday morning and had to cruise by a group of pigeons scarfing up vomit from the night before. Only in Yaksu is it common for people to get puking-in-the-streets-drunk on a Wednesday night!! I took this picture on my walk home. You can definitely see my apartment, but there's not a chance in hell I'm telling you freaks which one it is!
So I walked into Green class and was like, "WHOA!!! MARIE!!! WHAT IS ON YOUR HEAD?!?!?" And she said, "TEEEAAACHEEER!! ME BEAUTIFUL??" Yup, she sure is. :)
Is it absolutely necessary for my coworker to be such a cunt?!? God, I wish Kevin were still here. He would've had a field day today!!! And it's only 10 a.m.!!!! ARGH!!!!
Since You're Always So Helpful...
How would you guys decorate for a JOSH-themed slumber party??? It's been suggested that I use famous Josh's, but I can't think of any. Are there any? Coming up with a drink should be easy, but what kind of food?
I wonder if anyone named Josh reads my would be nice to get some input from someone who really knows what JOSHNESS is all about.
I'm serious guys, I need some help with this...
New Theme Song
You know that song by the Sneaker Pimps that goes, "DON'T THINK CAUSE I UNDERSTAND, I CARE..."
Yeah. Seriously dudes, lay off.
You guys ever spit up mouthwash through your nose? I don't recommend kinda hurts. But if you have a cold and you blow your nose after, everything is blue. Which looked pretty cool.
On another note, I woke up to sooooo much love from friends today! Emails from Ate Ball, Kristy, Andy, Chicken Fucker, and forgiveness from someone I fell asleep on last night (sorry!!!!), and a few late night texts from oh man, what did I ever do to deserve you guys? xoxoxo!!!!!
Multinational Cuddle Puddle. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Stop sending me texts about tequila!!! Ugh. It makes my tummy hurt just to see the word!! You can continue with the ones about the scotch...I don't even remember drinking that stuff!
New Scheme
I've been thinking about it for awhile, and I've decided that I really wanna hold a world record. You know, like be in The Guinness Book of World Records.
Problem is, I don't really have any talent. And I'm a bit too lazy to obtain any athletic awards.
So I came up with a few things I thought I might be able to do, but it turns out that the records for those things might be a little tougher to beat than I had thought.
Did you guys know that the largest cheeseburger ever eaten was made with 8 lbs. of pre-cooked hamburger?? And, after it was cooked, plus cheese, bun, blah blah had a
total mass of 11 lbs.??? I don't know if I could do that. But I'd like to try. I'd also like to point out that it was done in Pennsylvania. :)
And most cups of coffee drank in a day? Well, I couldn't find an actual number, but I saw reports of people who had drank 50 or 60 cups a day on a regular basis. I don't know if I could do that.
And that's it. 2 things I thought I kicked ass at, and it turns out my skills are way below average in both areas. But there's gotta be
something...Any ideas???
Never Again

This stuff totally kicked my ass Saturday night. I think I was winning the battle until around midnight...but between the hours of 12 - 5 a.m. it was all downhill. With a bad, bad crash landing at the end. I would recommend everyone staying far, far away from it! It's evil stuff!
KBS leaves Korea on Thursday to start a super exciting, epic adventure!! We had a 3 hour dinner last night (Sortino's - yum!), I'll see him again this week, and then...sigh. He's gonna be a tough one to say goodbye to. :(
Hungry Robots Are Destructive
I was so hungover today I didn't get out of bed until 5:30.
So I didn't feed my pet robot all day.
He ate my house plants. :(
Easy People
We sat around the table and drank a bottle of wine
And it poured around us like a moat till no one could get us, and I was fine
And I said, "Haven't I paid my dues by now, haven't I paid my dues?
Haven't I paid my dues by now, don't I get the right to choose?
And I choose you to take up all of my time
I choose you because you're funny and kind
I want easy people from now on
Easy people
My house is full of empty rooms and broken frames and other people's stuff
In my house we see by Christmas lights and your TV, and that seems to be enough
To see what we want to see
You let me be who I want to be
And we'll be easy from now on
Easy people
Why can't I be easy, why can't I be easy like you?
For you I would give the songs I write, the words I pray, the morning light
That pumps into this room today, if you would only rise, if you would only say
"I want you to take up all of my time
I want you because you're funny and kind
And we'll be easy from now on"
Anyone? Anyone? I know Andy and Steph will get it....
HAHAHAHA!!!! Moron!!
No hare at Southside today. Know why??? CAUSE THE HARE PASSED OUT ON THE FRONT STEPS OF MY BUILDING!!!! Hahahahaha!!! I didn't even know he was there! It was cold out last night, too!!! Retard. Man, the stories from KBS' s going away party last night just keep getting better and better...