Friday Feast #104
Yes, yes, I know. It's Sunday. I'm late. Sue me.
AppetizerWhat's the funniest dream you can remember having?I don't remember having any funny dreams. My dreams are always totally crazy...seriously, there's some really wacky shit swirling around in there.
SoupIf you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?Hmmm...something that likes the outdoors, likes water, likes to run, but doesn't like being touched by random people. Oh, and something big. I hate little yappy dogs. I definitely don't want to spend my life being stuffed into a fake Gucci bag and carted off to the groomers!
SaladContinue this sentence: "I get confused when..."
....people say one thing and do another. Having been a therapist in my past life, I've learned to judge people by their actions. Unfortunately this doesn't mean that I'm not continually let down by people.
Main CourseName two things that need to be done, but you are procrastinating in completing.Only 2?? Christ, I could go on forever. Let's see...
1. I have a few packages I need to send to the states. The post office here is directly across the street from where I work, so there's no reason for me to have not done it by now.
2. I desperately need new running sneakers, but shopping here is such a pain in the ass. I just can't bring myself to go get some.
DessertWhen was the last time you tried something new, and what was it?Well, a few months ago I packed up my whole life and moved to Korea. That was definitely new for me, and since then everyday has been something new and different.
Click Here To Dine.
They make absolutely everything here. Seriously.
Everything is made in Korea. Which is why I completely fail to understand why they can't make the following items:
Chocolate. The chocolate here sucks. How hard can it be? Someone told me they used to make decent chocolate but during the war they didn't have enough sugar so they started rationing it...hence all their chocolate tastes like shit. I don't know if that story is true or not (though I'm sure Brendan will Wikipedia it to find out) but seriously Korea, you're not exactly suffering through economic hardship right now. MAKE ME SOME DECENT FUCKING CHOCOLATE!!! Oh, and in the meantime, can someone from home (or someone from anywhere - I'm not picky!) please send me some????
Sandwiches. Why haven't they caught on here?? Why is there no decent bread, meat, and cheese in this country?? Why aren't Subway franchises popping up on every corner? I miss eating good, yummy sandwiches.
Ok, I'm done ranting now. Just had to get that off my chest.
That bottle of wine seemed like a good idea last night...
I'm going back to bed.
Have you ever been lying on your living room floor, watching a movie and eating yummy shin ramyeon, when you notice a
big, black, hairy asian bug
awfully close to you, causing you to jump about 20 feet in the air while screaming like an infant being murdered, further causing you to spill your ramyeon and aloe juice
all over yourself, your pillow, and the floor, breaking a cup and losing a chopstick under the couch in the process? And then you find out that the
big, black, hairy asian bug is actually just a piece of fuzz from your sweatshirt?
Yeah, me neither.
It's been monsoon-style raining since I woke up, which totally ruins my plans to go to hiking at Gwanaksan. I know I could go anyway, but the chances of losing an eye to an umbrella wielding ajumma are just too great. Who carries an umbrella when they hike, for God's sake?!? Anyway, at least the rain is keeping the nasty smell from the fish vendors away.
A State Of Mind
I really wish I had seen this before I went to North Korea. It's long, but worth watching.

I hate to admit it, but this is so true. As cool as I am (which is very cool, btw) even I occasionally have bouts of crazy girl syndrome. The last time it struck was right before Mino left. I still feel kind of bad about it.
Ladies, really...why do we do this shit?? And don't lie and say you don't. You do. We all do.
Oh, and clearly the Dilbert comic strip is stolen. Please don't sue me, Mr. Adams.
Just wanna give all you PAer's a heads up that the Keswick Theatre has booked Aimee Mann (September 26th) and BB King (February 27th). YOU SHOULD ALL GO!! The Keswick is the best place for live music, and it's only an hour from the Valley. If any of yunz can manage to get me autographs I will be your friend for the rest of my life!!!!
For more details and tickets:
www.keswicktheatre.comAnd Brownie...Aimee Mann will be at Red Rocks.

Located in Incheon, it's definitely worth checking out if you're in the area. Lots of restaurants, and tons of stores selling traditional Chinese clothing and items.
Lost in Translation

As with any language, when you translate a Korean phrase directly into English (or vice versa) it often makes no sense at all. But this doesn't stop the Koreans from trying. Right now, T-shirts with English sayings written all over them are very popular here, and my coworker Joseph and I are always laughing together over the ridiculous sayings we see written on shirts. Usually it's safe to assume that the wearer has no idea what their shirt really says, which to me makes it even funnier. One night Joseph saw a young Korean girl wearing a shirt that said DICK LIPS in big letters. HA! I've got to assume she had no idea what it said or meant. Apparently her parents didn't know, either.
So yesterday I'm in Wolmido with GwanSic when I look up, and here's an older, well-dressed woman strutting about in a nice shirt covered in....MARIJUANA LEAVES!!! And in very nice, cursive writing it says
cannabis under all the leaves. HAAA!! For those of you back home, there are basically NO drugs in Korea so there's no chance she had any idea what she was wearing.
Songs I'm Digging at This Very Moment...
Since I'm sure many of you are sitting at home thinking, "'s 2 a.m. in Seoul - I wonder what Jes is listening to???" I have decided to share my current music selection with you.
Right now, as I type, I am listening to 'Not an Addict' by K's Choice. Next on my playlist will be 'Soul Singing' by the Black Crowes. 2 songs that totally rock.
Can I get a high five?
I can't believe I'm 30 and I still don't have this shit figured out...
Forgot to tell you guys....Last night I met Brendan, Ken, and Brendan's girlfriend Rose (who is just
lovely) and we went to wander around Namdaemun.
AND I SAW KIM!!! It was so strange, and the forced small talk was so awful, and he had this horrible look on his face like he thought that at any moment I was going to beat his ass into the ground.
I didn't, of course.
But I should have.
Today I'm off to Suwon with my fellow teachers Graham and Felicia, and Graham's girlfriend Sonia. We're gonna wander around the fortress wall, shoot some arrows...should be a good time! Details and pics when I get back!!!