23 8월 2008

Albino Squirrels Freak Me Out

Did you guys know that if you do an internet search for cripple porn one of the first things that comes up is a picture of albino squirrels humping? They're freaky little bastards! A bunch of stuff for The Special Olympics comes up, too. How gross is it to think about some big, sweaty dude jerking off to pics of Corky??? Grossness, indeed.

I'm off to bed. Goodnight.


At 5:06 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

There is an albino squirrel who lives around the Capitol in Austin. I always seem to see him (or her) whenever I'm in the area!

At 5:08 오전, Blogger Matt said...

THey have white squirrels in Brevard NC that aren't albino. you can tell byt he pink furry one on the road when one gets hit.


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