Droppin' the hammer!
Well, today I finally convinced Gaylord to take me to the range and "shoot some rounds".So he finally woke up from being lazy and we put the guns in Einstein. He was rolling down the road thinking he was some kind of bad car cause he was packing. It was funny. So we got to the range and Gaylord loaded the .45 and the .9mm and he gave me some talking to about safety, the range and how to aim the gun and fire a shot. My first shot today was loud and surprising. He had to tap me and remind me to focus for just one second. I fired off with the .45 and this is what my target looked like. It was cool. Now I'm going to tell him to take me all the time till I can shoot like Angelina Jolie in her movies. :D
So here are some photos:
That's me with my first time with the . 45 and not listening to Gaylord. He says if I had listened better the holes would be way closer together. I don't know if this is true, though. :)
The second photo is of me in full action.
And the last one is Gaylord's target (the red circle shows his .45 shooting at a very far distance)
We then took turns trying to shoot the "perp" as I was told is what they call that guy with the gun. I was trying to hit the girl though, but I don't shoot well, so I just kept hitting the bad guy.
Oh well, she should have known better than to hang out with a bad element that looks like Gaylord. hahahahahaha

Last pic: they've drawn Johnny Depp as the villain to shoot. And not only is he holding that poor girl captive, he's stolen her Pepsi as well...
Guns are for pussies!
You're always supposed to put your last round through the target's head, FYI.
Good shootin'! btw what did you do to your har????
Ahem...nice shot, buddy! The range is always a good time! But, uh, oh, this is kinda awkward...didn't you bust my chops for living in a household w/ guns? Oh, wait, but I swore that I'd never live w/ my boyfriend. Guess we're even! ; }
Guns rock!!!! I have started to build my arsenal for those who don't carry any will be wishing they did some day!
shoot yerself for not having that hair SOONER! iloveit
Love the hair!! It suits you
You did remarkably well for your first time. The first time I fired a 45 I was in the army and hit the dirt in front of the target. I never did qualify with the 45.
This blog sucks!
Nice hair.
You shoot like a girl
This blog sucks!
By the way, I just wanted to let you know that I've added you to my blogroll. You're not obligated to add me in return or anything, but I just felt you should know. :)
Are you still alive???
this blog sux
great shooting you steely-eyed little killer. Hey you ever coming back to da ROK? Monsoon over and it's warm :-) Glad you are well. GS
This blog sucks.
Canada rules.
this blog fucks at home.
This blog sucks.
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