I leave for the airport with Joel in 7 hours. Think I've started packing yet? NOPE! Think I've found my passport? THINK AGAIN! Think I made it to the bank to exchange some cash so I have more than $11 U.S.? AS IF! Luckily I work best under pressure. :)
This will be my second holiday break that I start by having drinks with Joel at ICN, it's becoming my only Christmas tradition! Pics are from the airport at the start of last year's break, when he was off to the States and RL and I were headed to Malaysia Truly Asia. Wonder where we'll be zooming off to next year?
I Love My Friends!

Yesterday on my break I heard my phone buzzing and saw some sort of crazy number on my caller ID. I normally don't answer numbers I don't know, but for some reason I answered this one and it was ATE BALL!!!!! I was so overjoyed to hear from him I actually cried, right there in the office. I cry all the time, but never in public!! The day he left Korea was a sad day for me, indeed. I really miss having him here, and I truly hope he can make it back in June, even if it's only for a visit. Just look how much I smile when he's around!!! I've met alot of people in my 31 years, but Ate is one of the best I've come across. He has so many roles in his life and he does an amazing job at all of them. He's a great son, a great father, a great soldier, and a truly great friend. I haven't met anyone who doesn't love him. Thanks for calling, buddy!! I picked up some Korean goodies for you today (I hope I got the right kind of tea!!) and I'll mail them off when I get back from Thailand!! Remember this picture? We went to the Monet exhibit and then stuffed ourselves with sushi! It was great! :)
Where's my passport?!?!? Where's my bathing suit?!?!? Where's my ultra-cool orange and green tiger-striped santa hat from Joel?!?
Am I really this unfuckingorganized?!?
Yes. Yes, I am.
But, this morning I found 8,000 won in my pocket! Woo Hoo!
Could I Be Any More Excited?!?
The answer to that question is no, btw. Less than 48 hours from now I will be on my way to Thailand!!! Can I get a WOO HOO?!? Remember my plan for a nice, quiet, relaxing time, spent mostly by myself? HA! I'm now being joined by Joel, his friend Andy, and the infamous GLF coming all the way from San Francisco!
Seriously folks, if I don't make it back to Seoul by the 30th, I'd look in his freezer first...just going on his reputation (harriettes talk alot and we never lie to each other!!!) and Mexican background and all. GLF sucks because he gets a cooler vacation than me...longer, a stop in Japan before Thailand, and he gets to start in Bangkok and then he'll come visit me in Chiang Mai. Can you believe the same hotel agreed to allow us all to stay there?!? Hahahaha.
SUCKERS! I can't wait!!
Joel. I love Joel. Anyway...
GLF is buddies with my brother Brownie. We had this conversation after making some plans to meet up:
him: I hope Brownie doesn't mind that I'm coming to meet his little sister.
me: BROWNIE?!? HA! He'd sell me to a stranger for a six-pack of beer! And not even good beer!
But still, it was cute that he thought Brownie had feelings.

You guys ever wonder what Jesus looks like? That's him, in the white. Friday night KBS and I went to see Jesus Christ Superstar. It's playing in Jamsil, at Olympic Stadium. It was so awesome I'm still singing and dancing to it!! Everyone should go see it immediately!
After the show we jumped on the subway to head to Itaewon, and some dude threatened to shoot us. No joke. KBS has that effect on people. He doesn't bother me, I heart him, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I've seen him since the first day we met he's left bruises on me. You guys should see my arm! STOP DOING THAT!!
There was so much more that happened that night, like the coffee incident, seriously I laughed until my tummy hurt, but I can't be arsed to type it all up. I may add more pictures later, though. Or maybe not. I'm lazy.
My buddy Achilles is back in America for a visit. About time, too, since he hasn't gone home since October. He just got to Korea in, what, August? Loser.
Anyway, I wonder if he's broken our pact yet. I bet he has. I wouldn't know from personal experience, but I'm guessing that REALLY bad things happen to people who break pinky swears. I'm just saying.
More importantly, I wonder what he's gonna bring me. Hopefully, my present will involve Burt's Bees lipbalm. I like how it feels all tingly. :)
New hash blog to check out. It sucks, but he's got some cool friends.
I Heart Stephanie

My life gets weirder by the second. Seriously, I'd explain it all to you guys, but I can't stop laughing long enough to get through the stories. There are 4 people who have my home phone number. How come it's never Stephanie when I answer it?!? Seriously, Steph, if you're reading this and you haven't heard my voicemail yet, go listen to it. It was so funny I reviewed it twice! Remember these pics? They were taken right before you and Stof drove me to the airport to come to Korea. God, I miss you!!!

wait, why isn't that one winking at me?!?
I'm having red wine and chocolate ice cream for dinner, cause it's been that kind of day. Someone tell me a joke or say something nice. I need it.
A few quotes from some of the deepest people I know:Achilles: She's the kind of girl who fucks at home, if you know what I'm saying.
Shells: Tequila and margaritas really go hand in hand.
Achilles & I
Oh God, is Achilles talking about his views on monagamy
Man won says Achilles breaks the pact first.
I had a lovely afternoon. After lunch and a few drinks at Wolfhound I bought a pink fuzzy hat. And then Achilles and I had some coffee and headed home.

I love my friends, I love my life, I love being me. This weekend was one of the best I've had in a looong time. The pics are from Saturday night at Bliss. How fucking sexy is Cam???