Leaving now for a day of Bliss...
Good times, good people, lots of food, and cheap yellow beer...what's better than that???
I'm pretty bored and sleepy at work today. Someone do something to entertain me.
Happy Valentine's Day to me.
More Help...
I have lots and lots of long plane rides, layovers, and car rides coming up. Any books I should be reading?
Thanks for the music!!! I LOVE IT!! It's awesome and it's rocking my world!!! I'm listening to it right now!!!! Of course, it's no Small Change...but it's still great!! :)

Here's what I look like dancing to it, except my hair's a bit shorter now. :) You're the bestest!
So far this week I have somehow managed to upset almost everyone I care about. No need to leave rude comments or send emails, I'm beating myself up enough over it.
I've spent a ridiculous amount of time apologizing. And it's only 6:48 a.m. on Tuesday.
Sometimes I suck as a human being.
19 DAYS?!?!?!?!?
Pure Awesomeness
JUSTIN!!!Every so often Justin decides to go through entire classes pretending he has no arms. It never gets old for him...he laughs hysterically every time. So do I. I love, love, love this kid. I love him so much that I still tolerate the 'TELL ME' dance from him, which has now been banned in all my other classes.

Is it a huge cell phone, or a really small alien? We couldn't decide.
This weekend Sue and I got arrested. It's a long story involving lots of evil-genius schemes. We hung out in prison for awhile, but that got kind of boring so I used my super strength to break us out.