12 2월 2008

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I have lots and lots of long plane rides, layovers, and car rides coming up. Any books I should be reading?


At 9:38 오후, Blogger daeguowl said...

War and Peace

At 9:38 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Already read that. :)

At 10:29 오후, Blogger crom said...

Golden Compass trilogy

At 10:30 오후, Blogger crom said...

If you like spy novels...The Bourne Trilogy, Robert Ludlum. I read all 3 books twice. very good read.

At 10:39 오후, Blogger brownie said...

The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx. I get my drums on Wed and will immediately begin living my life according to that bible.

At 10:59 오후, Blogger Jes said...

GLF - nice try, but everyone knows Mexicans can't read.

Brownie: I definitely can't wait to come visit now!

At 11:12 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

The Janet Evanovich Stephanie PLum series...its soooo good and laugh-out-loud funny.

Start with "One for the Money" then "Two for the Dough"

then check out Diana Gabaldon, time travel-love-fantasy..very cool.

At 11:16 오후, Blogger crom said...


Try "Reading is for retards"
it has lots of pictures and extra large font.

This blog sucks!

At 11:20 오후, Blogger Gagger said...

My mom just gave me Kite Runner and said it was really good...so did another friend of mine. I'm also about to but the Heroin Diaries!

At 11:34 오후, Blogger crom said...

"but the Heroin Diaries"? you're weird.

and Kite Flyer, is that the one about the middle eastern kids and the butt secks that he is forced to endure?

At 11:49 오후, Blogger Gagger said...

Ok, so I can't type on my iPhone while driving! Sue me!! I'm about to BUY the Heroin Diaries.

Kite Runner is about 2 boys in Kabul...apparently one betrays the other. But I haven't started it yet, so that's all I know.

At 12:48 오전, Blogger brownie said...

Both boys die in the end of Kite Runner.

At 1:07 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines by Anthony Bourdain

- Vegas Andy

At 5:41 오전, Blogger crom said...

hahahahahah, waste your money know gagger. buying, the kite runner, and yeah, it had some issues when they made the movie due to the butt secks involved. which I'm sure is why Brownie read it cover to cover and knows that they both die! ;)

At 5:46 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

I didn't buy it, my mom gave it to me after she read it. Free stuff rocks!

At 6:24 오전, Blogger Jes said...

Ass Gagger: I love that you're driving and blogging at the same time! HA!

Trojan: I read the Stephanie Plum books back home...I think they were on 7 or 8 when I left. I love them!

Vegas Andy: Thanks! I'm gonna check that one out!

At 6:28 오전, Blogger Gagger said...

I gotta entertain myself while in traffic, right?!

p.s. My co-worker said they will most likely have shows in May, just don't have anything booked yet. I told him to work on the 1st week of May! :)

At 6:32 오전, Blogger Jes said...


I'm soooooo excited!!!

At 9:23 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Jes..they have 12 now..i love them too. I bust out laughing in public places when I read those...
"Enders Game" has always been one of my favorites...

At 12:53 오후, Blogger achilles3 said...

Kite Runner
Beloved (once you get past page 40 it's the most beautiful book i've ever read)
The End of Poverty


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