Deeper Shade Of Seoul
08 2월 2007
A friend of mine, whose name I won't mention, is going under the knife tomorrow morning. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, buddy!! If you need anything, just call! But don't call me...what the fuck am I gonna do from all the way over here in Korea???? :)
Blah Blah Blah...
Sometimes I wonder if it would actually kill certain people to be nice to me. WTF?!?!? I guess it's my fault for having them in my life in the first place...Man, I'm grouchy today. Sorry. Usually after I go for a run during my break I feel pretty good, but not today. Even chocolate isn't helping to improve my mood. Good thing I'm getting out of Seoul this weekend. I really need a change of scenery and some kindness!!!
Have a good weekend, I'll see you Monday!
05 2월 2007
04 2월 2007

So I didn't like this movie, but I did like both movies I watched last night. Scoop, which is the new Woody Allen film, and a Korean film called Righteous Ties. Both are worth checking out.