So I was clearing some photos off my camera and I found these. They were in this exact order, and they totally cracked me up, especially RL's evil grin after causing my demise! They're from a few weeks ago when we were all at Gecko's, but I don't remember this part of the night.
I'm an idiot.
Not that that's a major newsflash or anything.
I'm now on my 3rd digital camera since moving to Korea. What the fuck is wrong with me?!?!?
Dinner With Mino!

Thanks for the pics, Mino!! I heart you!!
Sunday with 민 호
One of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon is to wander around different parts of the city, checking out all the little streets and galleries. And my favorite person to wander around with is Mino, because we always have a good time and, well, not everyone is a good wanderer. People who
always have to be going somewhere bother me. Mino's a great wanderer...he'll bum around with me for hours before he finally says, "Where are we going?" I was really excited to meet up with him yesterday in Gwanghamun, I hadn't seen him in ages because of his Chinese Character certification test and his TOEIC exam. We spent all day walking around in the rain and I think this area is now tied with City Hall for my favorite wandering spots. We tried to check out the Tibet Museum but it was closed for construction. We had lots of fun at the Toy Museum, and then went to a cute little tea shop for some yummy pumpkin soup. Mino did some smooth talking with a guard and we were able to walk to the Blue House even though we didn't have a reservation and weren't part of a tour. I tried to convince him to help me overthrow the president and take over Korea but he refused, even after I said the first law I would pass would be NO MORE CYCLES, SCOOTERS, AND CARS DRIVING ON THE SIDEWALKS.
Once the sun went down it got cold so that's when I lost my motivation to wander around in the rain. We decided on Outback for dinner and had a great time chatting over a bottle of wine and stuffing ourselves with blooming onions and steak. It was a really great day!! Hopefully soon he'll send me some pictures (hint, hint).