Hee Hee...

Found these while going through some old photos. This is Andy, named after my bestest friend in the whole world. I nicknamed him Candy Andy because he is, seriously, ALWAYS EATING junk food. I never let my kids eat in class but he was a sneaky little bugger. "Oh, Jessica Teacher...I need eraser..." and he'd kneel down in front of his book bag, digging through it, thinking the chair blocked the sight of him shoving chocolate in his mouth. When I would finally have enough I'd yell at him, and he'd immediately hop back into his seat. I'd be all, "Dude, where's your eraser?" "Eraser??? Huh? I no need." I loved teaching him. He's not in my class anymore but he still comes to visit me and share his snacks with me. In September our classes change again. I really hope I get him back.
When I Want Your Opinion, I'll Ask For It...
...OK, I want your opinion. I need some new music. Who/What are you guys listening to lately? Suggestions?
Thursday Night
Went to Namseong, Isu, and back to Namseong last night with fellow Southside Hashers The Voice and T3. We spent a few minutes getting the beer tickets ready for tomorrow night's pub crawl and Sunday's 400th trail. You should all show up, it's gonna be great!!! Anyway, after the tix were in order we headed to Isu for beer, galbi, more beer, and Bekseju. Then we decided we wanted some chicken, so it was back to Namseong for delicious barbequed chicken and of course more beer. I hadn't planned to drink alot but by the time Mic (Known as Santa to the hash world) met us around 11 I was pretty drunk. In fact, I think we were all pretty drunk.
We called it quits just before midnight, as T3 had to get home by curfew. I thought this would be the perfect time to show off my strength by tackling him. He outweighs me by about 120 lbs., so let's just say it didn't work out in my favor. Fully expected to wake up feeling like a bag of ass this morning, but actually felt pretty good!
Anyway, tix for this weekend's event are 20,000 won, includes a T-shirt, a patch, tons of beer and food and some really great company. Pub crawl is in Itaewon Saturday night, and trail is Sunday at 11. If you're interested, email me. I'll make sure you get there.
Wednesday Night
Wednesday night consisted of chocolate ice cream, red wine, and Harry Potter. It was the best night I've had in a while.
Guess where I went this weekend? Here's a clue:

Ever been there? It was so much fun, and it was a really nice and much needed break from the city. There's so much to do, like renting scooters and 4 wheelers (btw, it's not recommended that you drive a 4 wheeler into a rice paddy as 2 members of our group did), going wakeboarding or banana boating, hiking, go carts, a small amusement park, swimming, etc., etc., and of course there's plenty of beer, soju, and changha to go around!
About 15 of us got together to celebrate Jared and Heidi's birthdays, and it was a fantastic weekend. The train from Seoul was 4,000 won each way, and it only took an hour and a half to get there. There are minbaks everywhere, so finding a place to stay is easy peasy! I definitely recommend you check it out. Here's a few pics. For those of you overly ambitious types, there's more on my Facebook page...I can't be arsed to upload them all twice.
Talk About A Get Out of Jail Free Card...
Last night Mic showed up at my door with a cheeseburger from Gecko's and the new Harry Potter book. Mere words cannot explain how happy I was.
Art Class
Twice a week I'm required to do art projects with my 4 year olds. It sounds fun, but let me assure you it is an unbelievable chore! The main problems are that (1) I am quite possibly the world's worst artist (seriously, we're talking zero talent) and (2) the projects are always way beyond my kids developmental abilities. They can barely hold a crayon and draw some scribbles on a piece of paper, let alone make a stencil of rabbit ears, cut the stencil out, trace onto cardboard, cut out, blah, blah, blah...
So I end up having to make 10 art projects. While I'm making the stupid projects, there's nothing but chaos in the classroom. It makes me insane! And of course, by the time I'm finished with the last one the previous 9 are already broken. But I guess it's worth it, since they end up looking so freaking cute when it's all (finally) over with.