Hee Hee...

Found these while going through some old photos. This is Andy, named after my bestest friend in the whole world. I nicknamed him Candy Andy because he is, seriously, ALWAYS EATING junk food. I never let my kids eat in class but he was a sneaky little bugger. "Oh, Jessica Teacher...I need eraser..." and he'd kneel down in front of his book bag, digging through it, thinking the chair blocked the sight of him shoving chocolate in his mouth. When I would finally have enough I'd yell at him, and he'd immediately hop back into his seat. I'd be all, "Dude, where's your eraser?" "Eraser??? Huh? I no need." I loved teaching him. He's not in my class anymore but he still comes to visit me and share his snacks with me. In September our classes change again. I really hope I get him back.
So last night I dreamt you were making a porn movie. Unfortunately you wouldn't let me join in... :)
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