18 7월 2007

You guys know Jack the Pumpkin King from Nightmare Before Christmas? If I play connect the dots with my mosquito bites it looks just like his face. I swear. I think I'm gonna have to start wearing clothes to sleep, at least until I figure out how the bastards are getting into my apartment.


At 5:34 오후, Blogger daeguowl said...

Ok I've update with a very verbose account of meeting you yesterday....now just waiting for your take on it...

At 7:13 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Verbose, indeed. ;)

At 8:10 오후, Blogger Alex said...

Wait a minute...you live in Korea and you don't own a mogi-jang?! Shame on you.

Actually, we didn't have a mosquito net last year, and that coupled with the birth of our daughter - I don't think I've slept a whole night through in over a year now. But we got a net this year. I sleep nude just to taunt the mosquitoes.

At 9:12 오후, Blogger daeguowl said...

I have the best mosquito repellant in the world...my wife...they all swarm to her and leave me alone...I might get a mossie net though if it'd encourage my wife to sleep nude...

At 5:39 오전, Blogger Shells Bells said...

I miss you!

At 5:01 오후, Blogger Jes said...

macaroni cheese, mossie net...such cute nicknames!

Shells, I miss you too! TONS!

Alex, I think I'm gonna have to break down and get a net. I will probably immediately start having dreams about being trapped in small places...


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