Art Class
Twice a week I'm required to do art projects with my 4 year olds. It sounds fun, but let me assure you it is an unbelievable chore! The main problems are that (1) I am quite possibly the world's worst artist (seriously, we're talking zero talent) and (2) the projects are always way beyond my kids developmental abilities. They can barely hold a crayon and draw some scribbles on a piece of paper, let alone make a stencil of rabbit ears, cut the stencil out, trace onto cardboard, cut out, blah, blah, blah...So I end up having to make 10 art projects. While I'm making the stupid projects, there's nothing but chaos in the classroom. It makes me insane! And of course, by the time I'm finished with the last one the previous 9 are already broken. But I guess it's worth it, since they end up looking so freaking cute when it's all (finally) over with.

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