Thinking about my upcoming move to Seoul has got me thinking about some of my past travels...

Looks like I'm all set to leave for Korea on Feb. 22nd.
I wonder if living in a new country will help me break the habit of making the same mistakes over and over again? Probably not, considering the country's rather lax alcohol laws.
1. Having to do
anything before 9 a.m.
2. Mayonnaise
3. Andy's loud, obnoxious, neurotic Siamese cat who is, at this very moment, making me rethink my views on animal cruelty
4. Aerosmith
5. Philadelphia. Except the Sixers.
Just saw 'Pride and Prejudice' with Becki and Melanie. What a great movie. Makes me want to have a bunch of sisters to run around with, wearing long dresses and bowing at everyone we see.
I had a point when I started...
Am I the only one on the planet who found the movie King Kong to be damn near life altering? I saw the movie a few weeks ago, and honestly, I've thought about it probably every day since then.
It just made me so sad! I practically cried through the whole thing, but managed to keep myself together because it was the first movie I saw with John and I was quite certain he would think I was an utter lunatic (better to let him ease into that thought, eh?). It wasn't the death and destruction that bothered me. I can handle that stuff in movies. I can handle that stuff in real life. The selfishness of Jack Black's character drove me insane, but it didn't exactly cause any epiphanies. Selfishness has always been a quality I've despised, both in myself and others. It's a strange movie to use as an example, and there are probably better examples out there, but in life or in movies it's when people find love but are never able to achieve it, or when they find love but lose it, that just tears me apart.
The idea of leading out the rest of my existence all alone terrifies me - which is ironic since I am a pro at keeping people at arms' length, and my nomadic lifestyle makes it very difficult to sustain any type of relationship, and also makes others assume that I wouldn't want to. It's not that I don't want to - it's that I don't want to settle in order to do so, which is something I see women all around me doing everyday.
I'm not sure what it says about me that something most people see as a great action film with awesome special effects is something I see as a most tragic love story.
Can't you see that he was just misunderstood?!? Sigh. I can't believe I identify so strongly with a big ape. Anyway, in re-reading this I'm realizing that it makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me. And even I don't know how I've gotten here...just a bunch of thoughts leading to others leading to others, I guess. It seemed to make so much sense when it was all swirling around in my brain...
Apologies for the emotional vomit. It's really not like me.
There were at least 173 reasons why I couldn't wait to get to Tex-Mex, seeing my big brother Brownie being just one of them. So I got out of bed at some ungodly hour in the morning to drive to the airport, got stuck in traffic and all kinds of bad weather which pretty much guaranteed that I would miss my flight, and then, just to make sure that Friday, January 13th, 2006 would forever remain the worst morning of my life, I totally wrecked my beloved Jeep while driving into the Philadelphia airport. And let me point out to those of you who have argued against me in my 'I fucking hate Philly, it's a filthy city, and their residents, sports fans and teams (with the exception of the 76er's, of course) have absolutely no fucking class.' rants...NOT ONE PERSON STOPPED TO SEE IF I WAS OK!! Even the douche bag who hit me didn't bother to ask if I was hurt.
So I'm pretty sure that I've now had enough slight concussions to be declared legally retarded. And there's about 2 hours of time during that morning that I can't recall at all. Missing Tex Mex sucked...I've been pretty bummed about it. The only redeeming quality of the whole weekend was getting to spend lots of time with John. That, and schooling some youngsters in beer pong which really did nothing for my headache. In hindsight it probably wasn't a good idea to drink as much as I did on Friday night. Oh well. Think I'll keep a low profile this week and hopefully my head (and liver) will be in decent shape for next weeks hash.