I was out doing something every night this week. Next week, I'm staying home!! Here's some pics...enjoy my week in review!!
Monday night was dinner with RL. We ate
tons of meat and I perfected the subtle "stretch and look at the guy behind you who only has one tooth" move. And, I got to see my first Korean snow!!!


Tuesday I went to Hongdae to meet my buddy Kim. He had
finally finished his midterms. I had a super yummy dinner with him and his friend, and then we all went to this really cool bar/cafe called Liquid for some hot chocolate.
I LOVE KIM!!! Oh, and check out my new glasses!!
On Wednesday I went all the way to Tapyeoung, which is where my friend lives. I got to watch a video of his performance last Saturday at Catchlight. After seeing it I was pretty bummed I had missed the show. Then, he showed me a gazillion (no exaggeration) pictures of his trip to Peru this past summer, and we did some laundry. Fun!


Thursday night I met Beaks for yet another going away dinner. We went to Buddha's Belly and had yummy Thai curry. Then we went over to Brickx for some drinks. Mostly, we just did alot of posing...

Friday night everyone met at Geckos for dinner and alot of drunken debauchery. I remember lots of beer, and lots of sneaking away from the table with Shelly to do shots at the bar. I introduced Shells to one of my old friends...Southern Comfort!! I think they hit it off rather well! It was a really fantastic time, but I made the mistake of leaving my camera on the table so most of the pictures I found when I woke up this morning were a bit too dirty to post. :)
I was the first one to leave, since I had to be up super early this morning, but everyone else headed to the hill around 1:00. From what I understand things may have gotten a little out of hand there...
Hash House HarriersI've hashed with these guys a few times in Pennsylvania and Texas. Funnest group of old men you'll ever meet! And Mr. Jackson is HOT, I don't care how old he is!! Anyway, every hasher has heard of Rumson - they call themselves "The Hells Angels Of Hashing" and they're the only kennel to ever find a dead body on trail!!
Stolen Goods Pillaged From Raf...
Dear Friends and Relatives:
I have the distinguished honor of being on the committee to raise $5,000,000 for a monument to George W. Bush. We originally wanted to put him on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for two more faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of George in the Washington, DC, Hall Of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Richard Nixon, who never told the truth, since George could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Republican of them all. He left not knowing where he was going, and when he got there, didn’t know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, decimated the well-being of the majority of the population while he was there, and did it all on someone else’s money.
Thank you.George W. Bush Monument Committee
P.S. We have raised $1.35 so far.
can i get a high five?!?!?
What A Beautiful Morning!!!
It's such a great feeling to wake up, sip some hot chocolate, and find out that the Dems have taken over the country, we have our first female Speaker, and (2800 U.S. lives later) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down.
And I'm sure Brownie is happy today, finding out K Fed is single again...
Back The Fuck Off, Harriettes!!
Someone stumbled onto my blog because they googled
QNL. It had to be a hasher, since anyone else would use his nerd name. And it had to be a loser hasher, because anyone else would just fucking talk to him. So I'd like to let whomever it was know that they can just
my best friend and
I'm not sharing.

I'm not quite sure how my new roommate feels about living with me. Especially after this...
How Can I Possibly Be Brownie's Sister And Still Look This Good????

Check me out showing off my favorite jeans. I have more love in my heart for these jeans than I do for many people I meet. Shelly and RL refer to them as my hobo jeans, and I can hear the jealousy in their voices everytime!!!
Shout Out
I don't collect alot of things, but if I ever have a bunch of money I don't know what to do with I would spend it on art. And what's more artistic than the human body? So go check out the beautiful art my friend Trojan has helped create. It's so stunning...great pose, great lighting, great might leave you breathless.
I didn't want to steal the pic without her permission, so you'll have to go
My future husband Lance ran a 2:59:36 in yesterday's NYC marathon. I predict a future Kona sighting, where he will no doubt become the world's best triathlete.
Karma's A Bitch
The other day I said something pretty mean about someone. And by "the other day" I mean everytime I open my mouth. But this particular comment was about how stupid someone was...seriously, this person is pretty fucking stupid, but I digress. Anyway, I'm wondering aloud how natural selection hasn't taken this person off the planet, and what happens to me? I'm at the Sangsu station, needing to go downstairs to catch the train, and in my careless "I'm too busy bopping around to The Strangeloves to watch where I'm going" manner I take a step down
ONTO THE UP ESCALATOR!!! It took about 1.7 seconds for me to be tossed backwards on my ass in front of everyone.
But aside from that I had a good night. Mino and I met at Hongik University and he showed me the school's newspaper...he won the photo contest at his school so his picture was given a full page shot. It looked awesome!! I'm so happy for him!! And as if further proof of my impeccable taste was needed, it's the same picture I made him copy for me when we first met and now I have it right above the TV. Then we went for Mexican food (stick to Pancho's in Itaewon, it's much better). After that we watched some TV and I tried to convince him to take pictures of my cool new sneakers for his blog. He wouldn't. So I came home. Now I'm going to have some yummy plum tea and then it's off to bed. Goodnight!!!!
Holy Jesus it's cold outside!!! When did that happen??? I went for lunch in Yeouido with a friend (yummy sushi...mmmm...) and when we walked to the restaurant it was gorgeous. But by the time we left it was freezing and windy! We went to Han River Park, but only lasted about 5 minutes before we were like, "Fuck this! It's cold!" So we had some coffee instead. And that, folks, was my day. Not everyone could keep up with such a life of excitement! Now I'm putting on some warmer clothes and heading off to Hongdae for dinner with Mino.
Oh, and how 'bout those storms last night?!?!? They were awesome!!!
Saturday Night
Last night I stopped in Itaewon to buy some awesome sneakers, and while there I picked up the best jacket ever. Then I lost it. And I was seriously bummed. Then Cam found it and so I have pledged my eternal love to him!! The End.

The Jacket
OH YEAH! We also went out to say Seoullong (haha) to Beaks. First stop Geckos, and then Bliss, and then Hongdae for Tin Pan, Tin Pan 2, Ska bar, and some other place Heidi took us to. I spent alot of time begging Beaker to stay but to no avail. If he's not staying for his super hot girlfriend he's sure as fuck not gonna stay for me!!
So here's some pics from the evening...some of the highlights include my roommate beating Beaks at arm wrestling, me and Beaks exchanging clothes (despite serious accusations I'm standing by my original statement that nothing happened!!) and somebody please tell me what the hell happened to Heidi last night?!?!? I think I saw her underwear on the heads of about 4 different people!! And I was thankfully outside when this happened, but apparently her underwear wasn't the only thing she was showing off...

I tried to post more photos but Blogger isn't cooperating. Maybe later...
Don't Bother Me Today
I'm mourning the loss of my fabulous, brand new, velvet ADIDAS track jacket. AARRGGHH!!!