S2H3 goes to Ulsan
Everything about Ulsan's 500th r*n (May 6th) was awesome. A bunch of us from S2H3 rented some non-red vans and despite threats that YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND IF YOU'RE LATE (!!!!) we departed Seoul about 2 hours and many beers after we had planned. I don't remember much of the drive down since I fell asleep pretty early, but I do recall waking up in the back of the van and thinking "Why is it daylight?" We got to Ulsan somewhere around 7 a.m. and found a sauna to clean up and nap for a bit before finding everyone else. Arwein, Second Cumming, Just Megan, Kimchi Fridge, Chicken Fucker and I tried to get some sleep, but thanks to Chicken Fucker's obnoxiously loud snoring there was no rest for most of us. He finally left the room, we all breathed one loud sigh of relief and immediately fell asleep. Later that day we found Beaver and DQ, who led us to the hash crash at some motel. We all split up to do some sightseeing, check out the beach, grab some food, or start drinking early.Saturday night Ulsan hosted an excellent pub crawl/scavenger hunt for the hashers. We probably hit about 7 different bars, which doesn't include the wine tasting party we invited ourselves to before the crawl started. Many songs were sung, many accusations were made, and general hash debauchery ensued until the early morning hours. I expected most of us to have a rough morning on trail, but to my surprise we woke up on time and in pretty great shape.
Sunday was trail, and it was awesome! During chalk talk we were strictly warned to stay on trail, which is always bad news for a short cutting bastard like myself. I was starting to think maybe it wasn't such a big deal, but then I noticed we were hashing through a shooting range. Then I started seeing many signs warning people that they were mere steps away from an active mine field. Then I saw A LOT of barbed wire surrounding the path. Guess I'd be staying on trail after all! The trail went up and down a mountain with lots of shiggy, but as far as I know Santa's Sac was the only hasher to achieve blood on trail when he fell and slid down the side of the mountain. After trail we circled up, offered the best rendition of Jesus Saves that Ulsan has ever heard, and then jumped back on the busses to head to the on-after...soon after that we hit the road for the long drive back to Seoul.
I had such a great time! Special thanks to The Voice, Beaver, Chicken Fucker, Ate Ball, and Silicone for making it happen, and just regular thanks to everyone else on the trip for making it an amazing time. We ought to road trip more often. Just don't ask me to organize it. :)