
I stole this from Brownie, and he stole it from someone else. It looks best on my blog, though. I'm off in a few hours to North Korea for a weekend of international spy activity and disarming nukes. Guess I better go pack. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you Monday!!!
Friday Feast 100!!
Woohoo! One Hundred Feasts!
Appetizer On average, approximately how many times per day do you yawn?Hmmm...guess it depends on what I did the night before, but I'd say maybe 2 or 3 tops.
SoupWhat was your most memorable school field trip?The Renaissance Fair. Not because I really gave a shit about it, but that was the day I met someone who became very important to me and still, to this day, remains one of the most special people in my life (and I know I owe you an email...I'm sorry!! Soon, I promise!!)
Salad Fill in the blank: I was extremely __________________ this week.bitchy. I was extremely bitchy this week. Seriously, I don't know what the hell was wrong with me.
Main CourseWhich color do you think of when you hear the word "soothing"?Blue. Like gorgeous Meditteranean Sea blue. Blue has always been a very peaceful, soothing color to me.
Dessert What is something that, if you had to, you could save up the money to buy within one month?Hmmm...Can I use money I've already saved? Most of the time when I'm saving for a specific thing (besides retirement) it's travel related - like a plane ticket or necessary gear for the trip. So I guess I'll go with a trip somewhere. But I wouldn't really
have to save for that, I would want to...I don't like this question, really.
Well, my laziness has reached a new low. I actually just declined to comment on somebody's blog because the word verification was 8 letters long and I just couldn't be bothered to type it. It'll be tough break this record...what's lazier than that?!? I can't think of anything...
Today was activity day for my kinders. We learned about Italy, and then we cooked spaghetti together. Ever try cooking spaghetti (or anything, for that matter) with a classroom full of 4 and 5 year olds?!?

Do you think Tim Burton is as embarrassed by 'Planet of the Apes' as I am? Man, it sucks...

Seriously, how can you not love him?

I spent part of Saturday bumming around with Mino, and we decided to check out the cartoon museum. I thought it was really cool, but if you're thinking of going just let me warn you first that all the text is in Korean. Most of their stuff was Korean and Japanese, and clearly none of the comics I read were there. Oh well...someday there will be a full exhibit dedicated to the genius works of Optic Nerve and Strangers in Paradise.
Anyway, they had all kinds of fun stuff to play with. Here's a shot of Mino and his new girlfriend. At first I thought this pic was really cute, until I looked again and noticed she had the same expression on her face that Shelly, RL and I had later that night at the club when we looked at each other and yelled above the music, "
What's with all the Koreans grabbing our asses?!?!?"After the museum we took the cable car to Namsan Tower. Our original plan had been to actually go in the tower since I've never been there during the day but
someone left their camera at the museum so we had to go back to retrieve it. We weren't really feeling like going back to the tower so we decided to head over to Hongdae for some drinks and food, which was perfect because I was meeting RL and Shelly there later that night anyway.
After a few drinks (and "conveniently" forgetting to mention that we were going to

a club) I was able to convince Mino to come out with the girls. Usually, he agrees to go somewhere with me but when the time comes he says "Oh, I can't go because I'm going to meet
my friends instead." Whatever. As he's now learned, my friends are
way cooler. He was very nervous to meet Shelly and RL, which I thought was soooo cute. We finally met up with them at Tin Pan around 10:30. Had some beers, spilled some beers, and enjoyed the awesome music. Shelly and RL had requested lots of Stevie Wonder, which reminds me of a joke:
- Did you see Stevie Wonder's new piano?? - Neither did he!! HAAAAA, HAAA!!!Good Lord, I'm funny!! After Stevie finished serenading us Shelly and RL were kind enough to edumacate me on the many splendors of jerky. Turns out there's quite alot about processed, dehydrated meat that I wasn't aware of. 
We left Tin Pan and went to....I can't remember the name of the club. Something with an 'M.' It was very hot, but the guest DJs were awesome so the heat did little to stop us from jumping around and shaking our asses for the next few hours. Aside from the heat and the Korean boys being a little *ahem* friendly with certain parts of our bodies they had no business being friendly with, it was a great time. And for once I wasn't the one bailing out early!! Everyone was still pretty beat from the World Cup festivities, so Shelly and RL called it a night much earlier than usual. We left the club, they went home, and
Mino and I went to a different bar where it was my turn to spill beer. It wasn't long after that that I started finding it impossible to keep my eyes open, so it was off to bed. Overall, a really fantastic night!

So I got all drunk last night and made out with Keanu. Now he won't stop freakin' calling me!! It's getting kind of annoying. Seriously, dude, get lost. You're only semi-attractive, and you're really not much of an actor.