
I stole this from Brownie, and he stole it from someone else. It looks best on my blog, though. I'm off in a few hours to North Korea for a weekend of international spy activity and disarming nukes. Guess I better go pack. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you Monday!!!
I hope you have the best time ever! Not to many folks can say they've been to North Korea! Be safe :)
I'm not coming to save your ass once you're kidnapped.
Wow. Can you guys feel the love???
Shells...thanks! Too bad my pics will suck since you're not there to take charge of the camera!! :)
Hope you have better luck than Argentina! Hooray Germany!
Be safe! Can't wait to hear all about it.
BE CAREFUL!!!.and take lots of cool pics:)
And remember... just becuase you're a lesbian doesn't mean you're a communist, so don't be tempted to stay!
COME ON! Pictures please.
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