23 6월 2006

Friday Feast

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you like your job?

It fluctuates, but on average I'd say a good solid 7. Probably as high as any job since, really, I don't love working and would much rather play.

When was the last time you think you were lied to?

I must hear "Jessica Teacher, I didn't do it!" about 80 times a day, and 79 of those statements are lies. But serious lies? That would be Kim, and it was the last time we spoke.

Share some lyrics from one of your favorite songs.

'I will love you 'till I die and I will love you all the time, so please put your sweet hand in mine, we'll float through space and drift in time...'

Main Course
What do you do/take when you are in pain?

Emotional pain or physical pain? I have a pretty high tolerance for physical pain, so usually I just suck it up and deal. If I'm in great pain, I get very quiet and still, but I will continue to say everything's fine. Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc. usually works for any kind of headache, except migraine's which I just have to suffer through. Thankfully I don't get them often.
Emotional pain is another story...I'm really sensitive so I have little tolerance for that kind of hurt. To help, I write, go running, cry, sometimes I drink though normally I don't like to drink when I'm sad. Something I'm trying to change is how much I withdraw when I'm sad. I get sad, withdraw into my own world, then lonliness adds to the sadness and it's just a horrible circle to be stuck in...

Fill in the blanks: My __________ is very __________.

My life is very blessed. :) It's great being me!!

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At 7:42 오후, Blogger Pittchick said...

Happy Feast! What song are your lyrics from?

At 11:53 오후, Blogger Kate Michele said...

I'm very senstive too, and I'll do the whole withdraw thing too... Big ole circle!!

Being lied to is the worst!!

At 1:55 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

You wrok!

At 4:19 오전, Blogger Kate Michele said...

Oh yeah Jes, theres a post just for you on my blog!! Now don't ya feel special??


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