16 6월 2006

Friday Feast #98

What is a word that you use that would not be considered common?

Dendrofilous. I use it everyday. Sometimes twice.

What theme of calendar do you have on your wall this year?

I actually don't have a calendar here, unless you count the one on my cell phone. I never know what day it is. Every morning I ask my kinders 'What day is it today?' And they reply "Today is Friday. It is June 16th, 2006!" And I'm thinking "Holy shit! Is it really June 16th already???? What the hell happened to May?!?!?"

Name 3 people you speak with by telephone a regular basis.

Hmmm...we talking quality or quantity? I do very little phone talking now that I'm here in Seoul. Many, many texts but few calls. Unless Min is in town, in which case I completely phone stalk him. :)

Main Course
If you could buy a new outfit for someone you know - who would it be and what would you purchase for them?

Not sure...it would be fun to put Brownie in a Penn State outfit...but being the selfish bitch that I am I would probably buy a new outfit for myself!! I'm not exactly sure what it would be, but it would be fabulous and have great shoes that matched perfectly.

What was the last beverage you drank?

I know it's pretty boring, but I just drank a ton of water. I've been trying to drink more water, but it's just so...watery. I'm so much more of a coffee/soda/mango juice and soju/beer person.

Click here to dine.


At 12:10 오전, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm gonna have to try your appetizer!!! Sounds great. Is it tasty? (I'd better go look it up, before I put my foot in my keyboard's mouth, huh?) *kidding*

Come dine with me, my feast is served

At 1:03 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

Do you want to live in a tree?

At 1:48 오전, Blogger Amber @ Cafe Physique said...

I love mangoes...Never had mango juice though. I'll have to try that some time.

At 3:56 오전, Blogger Unknown said...

Jess - that is funny about the months going by so fast. Yes it does, luckily since I have to plan my days using a big calendar, I never really get that feeling... However when you say it, I feel it...

I still think you are so brave for going all the way to Korea.. Amazing. :)

At 8:53 오전, Blogger Mama Duck said...

I wish I could drink more water. This is my first time doing the feast, what fun!

At 10:09 오전, Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said...

That seems to be a difficult word to be saying most often.
My feast is up

At 2:09 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

dendrofilous... wow, sounds very different. i've never said that before!

would you like to drop by my feast too? :) you're invited!

At 4:00 오전, Blogger mmog37 said...

Hey good feast here...
too bad there is no good coffee there...spent a year in Korea back in 89 but I wasn't a coffee drinker then =)

At 4:50 오전, Blogger Rafael said...

Dendrofilous, reminds me of the CLIT movement. You know the CLIT, the Confederation for the Liberation of Itenerate Treedwellers. They're an off shoot of the LABIA, the Liberate Apes Before Imprisoning Apes movement.


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