11 6월 2006


Shelly makes Stevie Ray Vaughn jealous while I keep the beat!

Met up with Shelly, Rachel Lynn, Cam, Saejin, and their friend Heidi last night. We started with some yummy Indian food at Chakraa's in Itaewon. After dinner we headed out to find a place that wasn't too far for crippled RL to hobble on her crutch but was still showing the England game, because Cam and Heidi had their hearts set on watching it. They went ahead to scout out a place, and then had us meet them at our first stop of the night, Woodstock. By the time we were half finished with our first round of beers they decided they didn't want to stay. EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD PICKED THE PLACE!! But no big deal, there's plenty of bars to go to. Once again, Cam and Heidi went ahead to scout out the scene while Saejin, Shelly, Rachel Lynn and I hung back at Woodstock and had some more drinks. Shelly and I performed a rocking duet, proving once again to all of our fans that we are, without question, the world's greatest air band.

After our stunning performance, we decided on a whim to compete in the Mixed Doubles Interdenominational Korean Challenge 2006. I felt pretty confident going into the tournament, but towards the end we came up against a pretty tough looking bald guy. I was a little worried, but Shelly was like, "We're gonna use his bald head to shine the floor!!!" And guess what??? WE WON!!! WOO HOO!! We fuckin' rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, after the closing ceremony (where we got the coolest trophy ever!!) we headed to Helio's (too many soldiers!!) to continue getting our drink on. Cam and Heidi's quest to watch the England game was not really working out, and they were bummed. So Cam, Heidi, and Saejin left pretty early. Too bad. They missed a really fun night over what turned out to be a super dull game. Anyway, the rest of us had a night full of the usual mayhem - drinking, dancing, talking shit from the balcony to people on the street, that sort of stuff. Around 3 I put my ass in a taxi and headed home, drunk dialing Gwan-sic on the way (sorry about that!!). Once home, it took me about 3 minutes to fall asleep. It was a pretty fun night - well worth the headache I suffered through for most of today!!


At 9:15 오전, Blogger Barbara said...

Can i come party with you?

At 12:38 오후, Blogger Kate Michele said...

OOOOO me too me too!!!


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