Today I met up with my new friend Mino. Isn't he the cutest? The plan was to bum around and check out some of the galleries in Insadong. So here's the conversation we had in every single one of the galleries we went to:
Me: "Do you like it?"
Him: "No."

Alrighty, then! I wasn't going to drag him into any more, but then he came up with the idea of going to check out the Picasso exhibit (it's at the Seoul musuem of Art, in case any of you have been living in a box these past few months!). On the way there we walked through City Hall, which was already getting crowded even though it was still 12 hours before the game! Mino got me some super cool fake tattoos, and a bunch of Korean girls tried to sell me a VERY DELICIOUS SANDWICH!!!
Anyway, I thought the Picasso exhibit was great, though I personally didn't like much of his post-WWII stuff. I know, I know, it's considered to be his best work but I disagree. They had his work broken into six classifications, and my favorites overall were from the cubism and surrealism periods. It kind of made me wish I hadn't skipped so many of my art history classes, though it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that this guy was all about the ladies. The exhibit focused on many of the women that influenced Picasso's work...apparently, he was quite the slut.
After the exhibit we wandered around town, got some food, and then wandered into Myeong-dong for some beers. And thank God he was there to help me navigate the subway on the way home...I would have been totally lost without him!! Ha!
i love the fact that you are always in motion, never dull. you're just an interesting read girl.
Thanks! Speaking of interesting reads...how was Boston??? Welcome home!!
Sounds like a busy weekend! You keep mentioning all these "cute" friends. Are we ever going to read about any romances going on over seas?
i am hurting....and my stupid camera is having issues...grrrr
So far in the romance department there's been nothing to tell. :(
What happen to that optician friend?
hey did you see Cam and Saejin? They were there too yesturday afternoon
Nope, I didn't see them...Too bad!
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