30 6월 2006

Friday Feast 100!!

Woohoo! One Hundred Feasts!

On average, approximately how many times per day do you yawn?

Hmmm...guess it depends on what I did the night before, but I'd say maybe 2 or 3 tops.

What was your most memorable school field trip?

The Renaissance Fair. Not because I really gave a shit about it, but that was the day I met someone who became very important to me and still, to this day, remains one of the most special people in my life (and I know I owe you an email...I'm sorry!! Soon, I promise!!)

Fill in the blank: I was extremely __________________ this week.

bitchy. I was extremely bitchy this week. Seriously, I don't know what the hell was wrong with me.

Main Course
Which color do you think of when you hear the word "soothing"?

Blue. Like gorgeous Meditteranean Sea blue. Blue has always been a very peaceful, soothing color to me.

What is something that, if you had to, you could save up the money to buy within one month?

Hmmm...Can I use money I've already saved? Most of the time when I'm saving for a specific thing (besides retirement) it's travel related - like a plane ticket or necessary gear for the trip. So I guess I'll go with a trip somewhere. But I wouldn't really have to save for that, I would want to...I don't like this question, really.


At 7:22 오후, Blogger FRIDAY'S CHILD said...

Your dessert was great.
My Feast is up too.

At 7:25 오후, Blogger Jes said...

Ha Ha! We were commenting on each other's blogs at the exact same time!!

At 8:30 오후, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Friday, my feast is on the table. Come and get it. First come, first served.

At 11:23 오후, Blogger Unknown said...

It's great to connect with your soup especially if they read your blog!!!

mines up!

At 5:13 오전, Blogger Margaret said...

Great feast! Behave yourself in North Korea okay? LOL! Actually I heard it is very beautiful there. -Margie

At 5:25 오전, Blogger ribbiticus said...

a renaissance fair sounds like fun! my feast is up! ;)

At 6:21 오전, Blogger Pittchick said...

Happy feast!


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