Deeper Shade Of Seoul
17 11월 2006
I'd just like to take a moment to say...IT'S THAILAND, NOT THIALAND!!!!Please, make a note of it!!! And don't let it happen again!!!
16 11월 2006
15 11월 2006
See You In March Beaks!!!
Think there's a record for the amount of going away parties/dinners one person has had?
This morning I went with him to the bus terminal - not because I really care, I just wanted to make sure he was actually leaving!! :) For someone who does an awful lot of leaving you

So now he's all by himself in Hong Kong, hopefully having a drink of whatever it is they drink there while enjoying the books I picked out for his trip! Though it's much more likely that he tossed the books at the airport and is currently dressed in women's clothing with a 5 o'clock shadow lying face down in a gutter somewhere...

14 11월 2006
My friend Stephanie just sent this to me. She found it on Atown's craigslist, and is insisting it's from one of the losers I've dated. I doubt it since (1) everything is spelled correctly, and (2) no one back home calls me Jessica. But it gave us a good laugh. I took out the "Reply to" part cause I don't trust my jackass friends.Jessica
Reply to:
Date: 2006-11-06, 4:00PM
I will always love you. The stars may never align, but that wont stop my heart from wanting you. I will never hold you, but you will always hold my heart.