Friday Feast
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you like your job?
It fluctuates, but on average I'd say a good solid 7. Probably as high as any job since, really, I don't love working and would much rather play.
When was the last time you think you were lied to?
I must hear "Jessica Teacher, I didn't do it!" about 80 times a day, and 79 of those statements are lies. But serious lies? That would be Kim, and it was the last time we spoke.
Share some lyrics from one of your favorite songs.
'I will love you 'till I die and I will love you all the time, so please put your sweet hand in mine, we'll float through space and drift in time...'
Main Course
What do you do/take when you are in pain?
Emotional pain or physical pain? I have a pretty high tolerance for physical pain, so usually I just suck it up and deal. If I'm in great pain, I get very quiet and still, but I will continue to say everything's fine. Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc. usually works for any kind of headache, except migraine's which I just have to suffer through. Thankfully I don't get them often.
Emotional pain is another story...I'm really sensitive so I have little tolerance for that kind of hurt. To help, I write, go running, cry, sometimes I drink though normally I don't like to drink when I'm sad. Something I'm trying to change is how much I withdraw when I'm sad. I get sad, withdraw into my own world, then lonliness adds to the sadness and it's just a horrible circle to be stuck in...
Fill in the blanks: My __________ is very __________.
My life is very blessed. :) It's great being me!!
Click Here to Dine
I AM SO HAPPY IT'S FRIDAY!!! Just make it through today, and then 2 days of fun!! Man, this has been a seriously long week...
No More Tequila HNT

I have problems keeping my clothes on when I drink tequila. If I even smell the stuff I turn into a complete exhibitionist. Here's some of the evidence Shelly captured last weekend at the Drag Show. Hopefully my trainer Yong-Su doesn't see this, because he'll have me doing sit-ups until I puke!
Happy HNT...Hope it's the start of a wonderful weekend for everyone!! Oh, and click the sidebar link for more info on HNT, and if you're looking for more info that means you're curious, so you might as well go ahead and try it yourself!!
So far in my totally lazy efforts at studying Korean I've learned quite a few completely useless words, like 'forest,' 'sweater,' and 'window.' What I really, really wish I could say in Korean right now is something like this:
TMI Tuesday
More useless facts about me...Enjoy!!
1. What time did you get up this morning? I woke up around 6:30, but stayed in bed reading until 8:15.
2. Diamonds or Pearls? I'll take both, but I find pearls to be much classier. Opals are my absolute favorite.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Mission Impossible 3 with Kim
4. What is your favorite TV show? Currently, CSI Miami. Don't watch much TV.
5. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee
6. What is your Middle name? Erin
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Probably Thai
8. What foods do you dislike? Mayonnaise totally grosses me out. And that smelly silkworm larvae they sell on the streets here. GAG!!!
9. What is your favorite type of music? I like all types. I know everyone says that, but it's really true in my case.
10. What kind of a car do you drive? None! Back home I had a most fabulous 04 Jeep Liberty and a beautiful 05 Aprillia scooter.
11. What characteristics do you despise? If you're a racist, a homophobe, or chew with your mouth open you should probably just stay away from me. I won't be nice to you.
12.Favorite item of clothing? I have these fabulous jeans I stole from an ex. LOVE THEM!!
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? There's nowhere I wouldn't go, but I think Vietnam and Malaysia are next on my list. After that, maybe a loop through Nepal, India, Tibet and Bhutan.
14. What color is your bathroom? White.
15. Favorite brand of clothing? I really don't care at all.
16. Where would you retire to? Somewhere warm, with alot of nice people.
17. Favorite time of Day? Pretty much any that I'm not at work. I would definitely consider myself a night owl, so I guess after dark is my fave.
18. Where were you born? Sunbury, PA
19. Favorite sport to watch? I love watching marathons, adventure races, and tri's - yes, I know, this totally bores everyone else. Also a big fan of the Olympics and the Tour de France. Basic everyday sports I watch are baseball and soccer (my new love!!)
20. What is your favorite product that you use? My shampoo and conditioner. I'm almost out and they don't sell it in Korea. I'm really stressing about it.
21. Coke or Pepsi? Coke zero.
22. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl...but I appreciate the beauty and quiet of mornings.
23. How many kids do you want? 0....maybe more. Not sure.
24. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? As long as I'm healthy and happy it doesn't really matter.
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? After searching for years, I've finally reunited with my long lost twin sister!!!
26. What did you want to be when you were little? A Beastie Boy. I'm not kidding, either.
27. Favorite candy bar? Kit Kats. Please send me some from the states, because the ones they make here suck!
28. What is your best childhood memory? one (except maybe Brownie and DNA) will get this, but I can still remember the feeling I had when I rode my bike up Line St. the first time without having to stop and walk.
29. What are the different jobs you've had in your life? Waitress, Lifeguard, Bartender, Sales, Caseworker, Therapist, Rockstar, Supermodel...
30. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars.
31. Any nicknames? Jes, McRib, Begging For It, I'm sure people call me all kinds of names...
32. Eye color? Blue
33. Ever been to Africa? not yet, but I'll get there.
34. Ever been toilet papered? yep
35. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes. still does, sometimes.
36. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
37. Favorite day of the week? Any that I'm not working.
38. Favorite restaurant? LoBaidos
39. Favorite ice cream? anything chocolate
40. Favorite flower? Calla Lily
41. Favorite day of the year? Thanksgiving
42. Favorite fast food restaurant? McDonald's
43. Favorite Website? Anything with porn. Just kidding, Mom!!!
44. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Once. I had a bad teacher (just threw that in to see if QNL is reading this. I only learned how to drive because he forced me to after finally getting tired of driving my ass all over the place.)
45. Who did you get your last email from? Mino
46. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? REI
47. What do you do most often when you're bored? Read, write, go for a walk, twist my friend's arms until they agree to drink with me...
48. What time do you usually go to bed in the evening? around 2
49. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?? no one
50. Last person you went out to dinner with? Had dinner with Rachel Lynn last night.
51. Ford or Chevy? I really don't care. Not even a little.
52 What are you listening to right now? Eric B. and Rakim.
53. What is your favorite color? Blue
54. Lake, ocean or river? Ocean. But preferrably not the Atlantic.
55. Which came first the chicken or the egg? I really don't care...I eat them both.
56. What is your favorite song? 'Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space' by Spiritualized. I cried the first time I heard it.
57.What book are you reading right now? 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' by Milan Kundera
58. What is the one thing you can not travel with out? Money. duh! And the places I like to go? I can't go there without alot of vaccinations. OK, seriously, it is extremely rare to find me ANYWHERE without a camera.
59. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Beer. Vodka is a close second. I'll drink cheap beer, but never cheap vodka.
You guys have seen the whole 'google' thing that's going around, right? Where you type in your first name and then the word 'needs' and see what comes up? I've seen it on many different sites but hadn't tried it, and today DNA's blog reminded me of it. So check this out!!
What is the Jes-Extender
The Jes-Extender is a non surgical penis enlargement device which uses traction to naturally make the penis larger - both in length and girth. The Jes-Extender has sold over 100.000 units.
The Principle of Jes-Extender
The Jes-Extender uses traction to assist the human body's natural ability to change and develop under physical influence. If a certain part of the body is exposed to a constant, permanent stretch, the cells in this area begin to divide and multiply, thus increasing the tissue mass. The enlargement will consequently happen in both the length and width (girth) of the penis. This natural principle has been known and used through centuries in many different cultures in order to develop or extend various body parts. HA HA!! My very own penis enlarger!! And, boys, it's only 49 US dollars!! Here's some other things that came up under 'jes needs'
1. Jes needs home for a bit
2. Jes needs sunlight
3. Jes needs an exorcism.
4. Jes needs to come.
5. Jes needs to remember.
5. Jes needs a handler.
6. Jes needs to be louder.
7. Jes needs a good spanking right about now.
8. Jes needs access.
9. Jes needs some tweaking.
10. Jes needs to fix up her signature.
Lots of hysterical stuff came up under 'jessica needs' as well, but I just can't be bothered to type it all out now.

Today I met up with my new friend Mino. Isn't he the cutest? The plan was to bum around and check out some of the galleries in Insadong. So here's the conversation we had in
every single one of the galleries we went to:
Me: "Do you like it?"
Him: "No."
Alrighty, then! I wasn't going to drag him into any more, but then he came up with the idea of going to check out the Picasso exhibit (it's at the Seoul musuem of Art, in case any of you have been living in a box these past few months!). On the way there we walked through City Hall, which was already getting crowded even though it was still 12 hours before the game! Mino got me some super cool fake tattoos, and a bunch of Korean girls tried to sell me a VERY DELICIOUS SANDWICH!!!
Anyway, I thought the Picasso exhibit was great, though I personally didn't like much of his post-WWII stuff. I know, I know, it's considered to be his best work but I disagree. They had his work broken into six classifications, and my favorites overall were from the cubism and surrealism periods. It kind of made me wish I hadn't skipped so many of my art history classes, though it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that this guy was
all about the ladies. The exhibit focused on many of the women that influenced Picasso's work...apparently, he was quite the slut.
After the exhibit we wandered around town, got some food, and then wandered into Myeong-dong for some beers. And thank God he was there to help me navigate the subway on the way home...I would have been totally lost without him!! Ha!

Shelly is HOT!
Seriously, how can one not have a good night when they start drinking margaritas at 3 p.m.? There are a few (and by a few I mean many) places in the states that won't even serve me tequila, but here in Korea they don't know any better!! Ha Ha!! Fools! I only had 2 margaritas during brunch at Suji's, but that was enough for me to be feeling the effects for the rest of the night. I think I may have flashed Shelly once or 17 times, and lucky for me it was caught on film (but won't be posted sorry!!). Before Saturday I hadn't had tequila in years, and let me assure you there's a good reason for that!

yummy daquiris
Anyway, after the yummiest brunch I've had in ages - I really miss American breakfasts- we (we = Shelly, Rachellynn, and I) headed down the road to Geckos for some pitchers of raspberry daquiris. We had the cutest waiter ever who served us some rice with JUST CHICKEN!!! CHICKEN!!! CHICKEN ONLY!!! and so we hung out there for awhile and then headed to SoHo for the Drag Off.

our supercute waiter
SoHo was fun, and since we got there early we got the best seat in the place. And lots of glow sticks, which is clearly the most important thing. After awhile these 2 people came over to try to share our fabulous seat, but they were promptly turned away. A few minutes later the girl came back, and while RL threw out her best
"I already told you these seats were taken, biatch!!" look she blurted out, "Umm...I don't want to sound weird or anything, but I read your blogs. You're Jes, Shelly, and Rachel Lynn, right?? I love your guys are so cool!!!"* Did we say these seats were taken?!? Silly us...sit, sit! And that is how we met
SUPERFLYCOOL SYDNEY and her friend, whose name I can't remember but we'll call him "Oh my God, I can't
believe I'm sitting next to a
straight girl" because that's all he kept saying to me all night. I accidentally touched his hand at one point, so now he has
straight girl cooties! OMG, what if he starts liking vagina now?!?!? Gross!!!

So, the show was OK but the place was seriously way too hot. Sweaty McSweatsville!! Afterwards, we headed outside and played with sparklers for awhile, and then (because I suck) I ditched everyone and went home while they went to The Loft to drink more. So check out Shelly and RL's blogs for info on the rest of the night and for more photos. Especially from Shelly, because she is only, like, the best photographer ever!

*I'm not exaggerating. She really thought we were cool! Can you blame her?