blah blah blah
Why do I always meet dudes that just wanna talk? Seriously, guys...MAN UP!! To quote my darling friend RL, "I'm not trying to learn what makes you feel special!"
In other news...I passed my Tae Kwon Do test!!! I'm so thrilled!! TKD has become my outlet for sexual frustration. At the rate I'm going I'll be a black belt in no time!
How's your weekend?
Because you might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd?
am I right???
A few pics from last weekend...good times with the usual crowd (plus RL's parents!!) Saturday night and hiking, bike riding, and scooters on Sunday!!

I'm glad my hair grows fast. I don't mind the fauxhawk so much, but the color has got to go. You can't really tell in this shot, but it's a bit too bright and reddish for me. I stole this pic from Shelly's blog, and until I saw it I never realized how cute my ears are. :)
In other news, today Beaks (who is not my boyfriend) is leaving Canada to start his journey to Seoul!! YAY!! I'll be meeting up with him tomorrow night.
So Friday night, right around 7:45ish, I'm gonna need a miracle to occur. So if you guys could cross your fingers, say a prayer, light some incense (but
not patchouli) or do whatever it is you do when you're summoning miracles (like a labia trick, right Shells???) that would be great!
Next time I make any kind of statement along the lines of, "HEY GUYS!! I THINK I'M GONNA GET A BRIGHT YELLOW FAUXHAWK!!! WHATCHA THINK?!?" just talk me out of it. I look quite ridiculous. Still hot of course, but in a ridiculous kind of way.
Thank God my hair grows fast!! Although I am getting alot of attention from German men now...does anyone know if German men like to talk (that's for you, Joel - wink, wink, nudge, nudge. No one else would understand - it's
our thing).
Does This Sound Right To You???
"Hey! How was your trip to Thailand?"
"Great. I went to Sizzler. I love their salad bar!"