What Day Is It???
We're in Reno, after a loooong drive and many stops including Roswell, Socorro, Vegas, and a zillion mining towns. I'd still be gambling if Gaylord hadn't forced me to "GET IN THE FUCKING TRUCK!!!" :)
The Grand Canyon has replaced Alaska as my favorite place in America.
We'll be in Reno for the next few days, and then back to SF. Tons of pics are coming, and many, many postcards are on the way.

Jes shops around for the perfect specimen with which to learn how to properly "shank" someone! I wasn't about to let her practice on me. She would "accidentally" sever an artery or something. Sheesh!

The victim: Hello Kitty! The ploy is to first act really friendly and cuddly. Note Jes is very cuddly and friendly.

The pounce, or "attack!" is unexpected and swift.....major organs and lungs along with arterial locations is a preferred spot. (Of course, never try this at home..and these instructions are from a gen-U-wine ex-con who will remain nameless!

The finish: extra pain. Note the big toe is now in big pain. Poor Hello Kitty.

Jes shows her what's up! Then practiced her knife throwing abilities.
(We are now at the Grand Canyon, taking a breather from the long day of driving and photography) We're off to dinner in a few and gonna hit an early hike into the Canyon tomorrow morning to try and get some good photos at sunrise.

I'm sure you guys have noticed from the pictures that I'm not exactly starving on this trip. Somewhere I have more pics of all the yummy food that has been going directly from my mouth to my ass (seriously, it's getting HUGE), but these were all I could find right now. The carcass looking thingy on the top is called cabrito and it was DELICIOUS. Even though I did tell Gaylord that the way they had it hanging up reminded me of Jesus, and I wasn't sure if that made me feel bad about eating it or if that made me want to eat more of it, and then I begged him not to translate that to his dad and the other guests at lunch. Anyway, if you ever have the chance to try cabrito, you definitely should.
After eating the carcass thingy, and all the organs that were once inside the carcass thingy, we went for a walk around part of Reynosa and I bought a cool bracelet which I may or may not decide to give to Stephanie.
I have tons of postcards but no addresses, so if you want one send me an address.

These are from the evening when
GLF's goddaughter insisted on reading me EVERY book she owned. She was awesome. I figured we'd look at a few pictures and she'd get bored but she totally knew all her letters and could sound out a bunch of the words, even with her younger sister distracting us by yelling, "DORA! DORA!" over and over. :) All that bookworm stuff helped us work up quite an appetite so we scarfed down some yummy food provided by her parents and then the grown ups talked about serious matters while she and I watched Casino Royale and dreamt about being James Bonds' girlfriend.
A few days ago
Gaylord had some "grown up" errands to do and didn't want me bugging him the whole time, so he disguised his desire to get rid of me for a few hours by suggesting a shopping trip and dropping me off at the nearest mall. Fine with me. I sniffed out Macy's and within minutes bought 10 pairs of shoes that he needs to make room in his closet for. SUCKER!!! Here's pics of some of them...