After a few days off to deal with some health issues, I am back at work. And I have to say, I really didn't miss it one tiny bit. In fact, it was a great big reminder of why I want to get the fuck out of here! Honestly, as far as shitty restaurant jobs go it's not a bad place to work but it's definitely not what I want to be doing and I've been doing it for far too long now. They had the staff holiday party last night which I didn't bother to go to because I was busy eating lots of ice cream and chocolate cake with my new buddy Andrew. I felt a little guilty about not showing up, but then I began to hear all the rumors of who had done what, who had gotten wasted and slept together, etc. and I was suddenly quite glad I had missed it. I also worked at the shelter today, which is a great job with great kids (usually) and great staff (usually), but the pay is crap and the benefits are rather substandard (hence the bartending job).
And that was my day...when you spend 16 out of 24 hours working there's not really anything exciting left to discuss.
Guess Who's Engaged?!?
Well, it ain't me that's for damn sure!! One minute we're getting wasted and strutting around with our matching (fake) tattoos, and the next she's trading in her rockstar lifestyle for that of a devoted housewife.
*tear* They grow up so fast nowadays, don't they? I'm not sure when my group of friends decided to get all responsible on me, but sure enough over the past year or so they've all started coupling off and taking the plunge. Kind of makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.Anyway, Kristy is just elated and Jason is clearly the luckiest guy on the planet. No, really, he is. I know everyone always says that when someone gets engaged but in this case it's true...she really is too good for him. just kidding, jay

In just a few short weeks I will be moving to Seoul - leaving family, friends (including my BFF, Andy) and at least 10 years worth of junk behind. So far the entire endeavor has been a mixture of excitement, fear, and frustration, but as my leave date approaches it's been mostly excitement. Which is why I was totally surprised to wake up today feeling sad that I was leaving. It must be all this sentimental holiday shit that's been forced down my throat lately. I can't think of anything specific about Allentown, PA that I'll be missing (except maybe Musikfest, which is clearly the best thing about the Lehigh Valley) but thinking about not living with Andy or having pancakes at Nick's with Stephanie and no more holidays at my Aunt Debbie's...it's a bit depressing, really.