05 8월 2006

Yay!! Cam, Saejin, and Jenny are coming for margaritas too! And then we're going on a boat cruise!! Today is going to be FUN FUN FUN!!

The pic is from last night...cutie cutie Saejin and superhot Shelly!! I stole it from Shell's site, since I LOST MY CAMERA! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I'M ANGRY!!

Silver Lining...

Maybe it's a good thing I lost my camera...Shelly and I are meeting at Gecko's at 2 for margarita pitchers. We all know when I drink tequila bad things happen...now there won't be any evidence!!

Last night I met up with Shelly, Cam, and Saejin for some yummy Indian food at Chakraas. Shelly brought me the most awesomest presents from her visit to Canada!! Then we met up with Francis and it was off to happy hour at SoHo's...2 for 1 rum and cokes!! I think I drank at least 18 katrillion of them!

After SoHo's we decided on Friends bar. It was empty, but that was fine with us. Pool was played, songs were requested, and I remember getting really excited about a Sneaker Pimps video. I have some great pictures, but unfortunately I can't share them since I LOST MY FUCKING CAMERA!! It's either at the bar or in the back of the taxi that took me home. I tried to make some phone calls this morning, but as soon as I started speaking English the people at the taxi place just giggled and hung up on me.

04 8월 2006

# 105

Name an actor or actress you think is totally underappreciated.
Jes Teisher. She played a pancake in her elementary school 3rd grade play and never received the recognition she deserved. She even designed her own costume.

Impress us by using a big word in a sentence.
My favorite word is dendrofilous.

What is something inanimate that you've given a name to (such as a pet rock)?
KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!! My beautiful, stylish, 2005 Aprillia motorscooter. He rocks!! Oh, and my computer, Chip. I love him, too. And my favorite lucky hair tie, Tyler. And....do you really want me to continue here????

Main Course
What color would best represent your personality and why?
I can't imagine any one color describing all of me...though lately I seemed to have entered some kind of blue period.

Fill in the blanks: ____________ is so ____________.
My life is so crazy right now.
It's Friday, and that is so awesome!!!
Lance Armstrong is so fucking hot!!!
This question is so not what I want to be thinking about right now.

A while ago Ian posted something about McDonalds, and ever since then I've been craving it like mad. Thanks. So far I've managed to hold out, but I did go to Itaewon with Joseph tonight for some yummy Subway sandwiches. Mmmmm...I love sandwiches!!!

Like the pic? It's from my time in Thailand.

01 8월 2006


One bottle of soju (or your favorite drink du jour, if it's you Kevin Teacher!!) goes to whoever gives me the best caption for this pic...

Question: You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a valley, and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a helicopter flying at ground level. Both the giant pig and the helicopter are traveling at the same speed as you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?

Answer: Get off the children's merry-go-round. You're drunk.

HAAAAA!! HA! Thank God I have Brownie to steal shit from...this was on his blog first.

Fucking Blogger!!

Usually I head over to the Grouch Potatoes site to do my bitching, but I can't be bothered tonight so I'll just rant here.

I have these great photos that were taken before Brendan and Rose left for Guam. I've been trying to post them, but Blogger isn't cooperating with me. As Trojan would say, "It's being a fucking COCKNOODLE!!!" Well, she might not drop the F-bomb...I added that for emphasis.


And now, I have to go to bed. If I'm so inspired I'll try to post the pics again later. Maybe you'll see them, maybe you won't...try not to lose any sleep over it!!

Goodnight everyone!!

30 7월 2006

Americans Are Too Fat

Put the twinkie down, and go run...

From BBC News...

Found this while blog surfing today. Turns out Lance Armstrong and I really are meant to be...not that I didn't know that already!!