Deeper Shade Of Seoul
04 11월 2006
Ode To Beaks

Tonight is Beaker's going away party. I'm bummed that he's leaving, and super jealous that he's spending a few months in Thailand before returning to Canada. Maybe we can get him drunk enough to convince him to stay...Come find us in Hongdae and buy him (or me) a shot!!! Wanna know a little known fact about Beaks??? He was the first boy to kiss me when I turned 30...
Public Service Announcement #2
Turns out staying home alone, drinking alot of vodka, and trying to teach yourself to breakdance maybe isn't the best idea ever...03 11월 2006
So tonight I have 2 awesome comics to read, a bottle of vodka, and B-boy Showdown is on TV. My heart is seriously pumping pure joy right now.

Best quotes of the night:
"I know all about Global Business. I live it!!" said with way to much enthusiasm by Min
"I don't like shrubs. Which is odd because I really like bush." RL. Who else???
"Judge us how you will, at least we're not ugly!!"
"Yeah, that comforts me in my time of need..." Me & RL
02 11월 2006

Last night I crossed the river to Gangnam to have a few (too many) beers with my new buddy. Turns out he's pretty awesome...I even agreed to try snowboarding with him this winter and you guys know how I feel about the whole cold/wet combo. On our way back to the subway we decided to stop at a fortune teller. And by "we" I mean he was pretty much against it but I wanted to go and needed a translator. The deal was that for 5,000 won she'd tell me everything I needed to know about my future love life. So it looks like yours truly will be meeting someone tall this winter. Seriously, that's what I got. Someone tall who isn't right for me. Story of my life, eh? But she also said my new friend and I would have fun together, and that I was more mature than him (you can stop laughing anytime now) and - LISTEN UP CAUSE THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART - she said I have all the power in the relationship!! I can't wait to start abusing that! HAHAHA!!!
I do some of my best dancing in the elevator of my building. It's a shame I don't live on a higher floor...
A Few Parasailing Pics...

Taken about 2 weeks ago when we decided it'd be a good idea to jump off a mountain and then go drink makolli. We had a nice little chuckle over the guy strapping knee pads onto me, but don't worry Mom, I didn't really understand why it was funny...

I stole this picture from RL and I'm posting it because (1) she looks hot and (2) see that thing that Francis is doing in the background? We get that alot...
01 11월 2006
The problem with believing that people get what they deserve is that when shitty things happen to you you're left wondering what the hell you did that was so bad...
31 10월 2006
What Are Friends For???
So last night I'm crying/whining on the phone to Andy (did you see his awesome costume below, btw???) about my awful health problems, how much weight I've lost and how disgusting it's made me look/feel, and basically just filling him in on what a shitty person I've been lately (it's true, and I'm fucking sorry!!!) and he replies, "Since you've lost so much weight, are your arms still so huge???"At least someone can laugh at all this. I haven't quite reached that place yet.