What Are Friends For???
So last night I'm crying/whining on the phone to Andy (did you see his awesome costume below, btw???) about my awful health problems, how much weight I've lost and how disgusting it's made me look/feel, and basically just filling him in on what a shitty person I've been lately (it's true, and I'm fucking sorry!!!) and he replies, "Since you've lost so much weight, are your arms still so huge???"At least someone can laugh at all this. I haven't quite reached that place yet.
Too bad your head hasn't shrunk..Damn that's a big head! :)
Ha ha. I'm laughing for you. You'll catch up.
I'm laughing because I just discovered these cool wee symbols 오후 :)
Oh yes - and PoorJesI'mThinkingOfYa... :)
OK, I'm off to get some tastykakes in the mail...
Just remember, we're not laughing for you, we're laughing at you.
Mercury in retrograde. Whatever goes down will go up.
Thanks Kiwi. That's exactly what I'm hoping for!!!!!!
Oh Stephanie, it's always about your fat ass!!! :)
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