Deeper Shade Of Seoul
13 5월 2006
11 5월 2006
Blah, Blah, Blah...

Had dinner with Jin-Pil last night...some kind of yummy spicy chicken thing. After dinner we stopped by a bar where the super cute bartenders did magic tricks for us. AND I DIDN'T TAKE EVEN ONE PICTURE!!! So not like me! Here's a random shot of some street at's not where we were last night, but close enough. If you don't read Korean all the streets pretty much look alike.
Other than that, it's been a pretty typical week. Work has been crazy class is coming up next week and everyone is geeking about it. The pollen and yellow dust have been absolutely killing me, so my drink of choice has switched from beer to Thera-Flu. Hopefully soon it'll switch back - maybe tonight!!! I have an MSN Messenger date with my dad, and then it's off to meet Kim!
09 5월 2006
08 5월 2006

But enough with the details. None of that stopped us from drinking entirely too much of

This is Yong-Su and Jin pil. YS was already pretty drunk when he met us. On Saturday he said, "I don't remember anything!!"
So I'm late...Sue me!!!
Friday Feast #92 . Or more like a Monday meal, I guess. Sorry, it was a crazy week and an even crazier weekend!! I know y'all can't get enough of me, so enjoy!!Appetizer: From which country(s) are some (or all) of your ancestors?
Ireland, Wales... it's sad to say, but I know very little about my ancestry, especially on my dad's side of the family.
Soup: How would you describe your sneeze?
I probably wouldn't. Who has time to sit around discussing sneezes? But, to keep the game going...I guess I would say it's pretty weak. Everyone who hears me sneeze says "You shouldn't hold your sneezes's really bad for you!!" Is there any truth to that statement? Has anyone actually suffered real harm from holding a sneeze in?
Salad: What is the last thing you cleaned?
Me. I just got out of the shower. :)
Main Course: Who made the strongest first impression on you?
My friend Stephanie and I took a trip to New Jersey (of all places!!) to see/hear the Dalai Lama speak. It was invitation only, and a pretty small event so we got to be pretty close to him. Unfortunately, he didn't have the opportunity to be formally introduced to me, but hearing him speak was absolutely life altering. I still think about it on a regular basis.
Dessert: Name one thing you want to accomplish in your lifetime.
I just wanna live a good life, be happy, and maybe occasionally bring some happiness into the lives of others.