Deeper Shade Of Seoul
24 11월 2006
"I'm looking at a list of countries...why isn't Bali listed?!?"
"Ummm...because it's not a country..."
"Ummm...because it's not a country..."
Seriously #3
I absolutely adore the movie Love Actually. For some reason it always makes me love the world. I've seen it a gazillion (no exaggeration) times. Tonight it was on OCN, so of course I watched it again. Seriously, every time that awesome little boy says, "Let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love!" I stand up and cheer. And then, when security brings him back to his dad and they hug, I burst into tears. EVERY TIME! And then I go to my room, play "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys, and dance around like a maniac.Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for so many things I don't even know where to begin. I'm especially thankful for the Canadians and K boys who went out of their way to call and text me on a holiday they don't celebrate or really know anything about. I take back every mean thing I ever said about Canada, although it's still true that America could kick your ass as clearly we're not afraid to invade random countries for no reason. And I continue to fully stand behind every mean thing I've said about Canadian hippies. But seriously, everything else I take back. :)
23 11월 2006
Seriously #2
If Andy Scap doesn't call me on Thanksgiving I'm going to be in the market for a new best friend. Let me know if you'd like to apply for the job...Field Trip

22 11월 2006
Thanksgiving is my absolute most favoritest holiday ever!! Mostly because of the awesome food at all of my family gatherings but also because I'm lucky enough to have the kind of relatives I'd choose to be friends with even if I wasn't related to them. Well, except Brownie but as you all know there's one in every family... :)
My contract is up soon, so lately I've been forced to decide if I'll stay in Korea, go to another country, or go back home. One of the things I thought most about when making my decision was everything I'm missing out on at home. Weddings, divorces, anniversaries, new babies, family events, a cousin who used to preach against premarital sex but now sells sex toys (!!), holidays, normal shit with my friends...
Spending so much time thinking about everything I'm missing made me a little depressed, so to cheer myself up about missing out on this year's Thanksgiving I was looking through old pics and I found one I love of my cousin Amy's youngest, Gavin. I taught him this nifty little trick at last year's Thanksgiving dinner (Hey Gavin, do you like seafood? SEE, FOOD!! Ha!) and I seriously hope he's still doing it at every meal!!
My contract is up soon, so lately I've been forced to decide if I'll stay in Korea, go to another country, or go back home. One of the things I thought most about when making my decision was everything I'm missing out on at home. Weddings, divorces, anniversaries, new babies, family events, a cousin who used to preach against premarital sex but now sells sex toys (!!), holidays, normal shit with my friends...
Spending so much time thinking about everything I'm missing made me a little depressed, so to cheer myself up about missing out on this year's Thanksgiving I was looking through old pics and I found one I love of my cousin Amy's youngest, Gavin. I taught him this nifty little trick at last year's Thanksgiving dinner (Hey Gavin, do you like seafood? SEE, FOOD!! Ha!) and I seriously hope he's still doing it at every meal!!

21 11월 2006
I Didn't Think He Knew How To Write...
In case you missed the 800 posts from all of his going away festivities, my buddy Beaker has decided to spend the next few months passing out in the alleys and gutters of other Asian countries. Go check out his blog. Make sure you give him a warm hasher's welcome by reminding him how much it sucks, and how much cooler mine is.
20 11월 2006
Finally, Some Really Great News!!!
I haven't posted much about my health lately because...well, because this is the internet and I don't know what kind of freaks are monitoring my life. But I have received everyone's emails, IM's, phone calls, and what nots and I'm really grateful for all of the kind words and thoughts (especially Trojan and Stephen C.). And yes, you can send me chocolate. Especially hot chocolate mix because I've been drinking all of my roommate's and it's only a matter of time before she gets pissed.So anyway, on Saturday I had to go to the hospital yet again for some test results. Usually this is a pretty depressing part of my life, but this time it was GOOD NEWS!!! Apparently, a strict diet of alcohol, chocolate, and shin ramyeon is a life saver because my platelets have climbed above 20,000!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I'm not totally out of the woods yet as I'm still on an ass load of meds, but it's a great sign and I'm really, really happy with the news!!
That being said, everyone (and I mean everyone) head over to MINO'S BLOG and thank him for sharing the wonderful advice on hospitals, different care centers, doctors, etc. If he hadn't given me that advice I might be in pretty bad shape right now. Thanks Mino!!
Speaking of Mino, I met him and Jae-ho tonight for some beers, some homework, and some sort of meat product. I didn't take any photos, but here's an older one I never posted. It was taken back in September, when the 3 of us went to Everland for my birthday.

19 11월 2006
More Dinner Pics
Here's a few more shots from the restaurant...from top to bottom: Cam, me trying to love RL (who clearly isn't having any of it), the girls, and me!


Anyway, the food was awesome, the company was even better, and it was a really great way to start off the night. It's too bad Beaks wasn't there...he would've looked great in my outfit!!! Enjoy the pics!! There's definitely more coming!


So the plan for Saturday was to meet RL in Itaewon for a quick lunch, do some shopping, and then head to her place to get ready for the night. I went early to get some coffee, and then received a text from her saying that Joel and his friend were going to join us! Woo Hoo!! We went to Suji's for brunch and Bloody Mary's. Yum!! Clearly, Joel isn't a fan of bush at all!!! After RL finished eating everything in sight the original Joel went home to take a nap and RL, the other Joel, and I went shopping. It was such a great day, and I have some AWESOME news that I'll be sharing as soon as I tell a few more folks in person (or on the phone...Mom, I'll probably be calling you soon!!).