20 11월 2006

fucker. just cause i'm 30 i have to be married?!?!?


At 8:55 오후, Blogger Shells Bells said...

who the fuck said 30 had to be married?

At 10:14 오후, Blogger Barbara said...

Personally...i think being an unmarried 30-something hipster is cool:)

At 10:33 오후, Blogger Shells Bells said...

I agree Trojan

At 11:12 오후, Blogger RLB said...

Who gives a shit about anything? EXCEPT HAVING A GOOD TIME!!!

At 11:55 오후, Blogger Pittchick said...

LOL! Sometimes I wish I could be an unmarried 30 year old! ;)

At 5:03 오전, Anonymous 익명 said...

Oh, trust me... you don't want in-laws.

At 2:31 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

It's cause we live in Korea, or at least that's what Cam always tells me!

At 5:58 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Look what I started


At 6:30 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Stay single until you are at least 100 ... then think about it!

At 6:57 오후, Anonymous 익명 said...

Hey spinster, I am a blogger now so you guys can check that out. I think Brian is pretty bored with me because of it but whatever. Thai pants fucking rule!

At 7:57 오후, Blogger Jes said...

EBT - always starting something!!

Beaks - loved the pics, but where are the ones of all the hot nuns???


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