Deeper Shade Of Seoul
13 4월 2007
This weekend Megan and I are off to do some climbing and hiking in Chuncheongbuk-do. Hope the weather is better there than it is in Seoul today! I am so happy to be getting out of the city! I haven't gone mountain climbing in ages!
12 4월 2007
YAY night hiking!! YAY podcasts and books and A BRIEF HISTORY OF EVERYTHING!! YAY super awesome conversations!! YAY yummy chicken kebabs from Istanbul and double expresso shots from Starbucks!! YAY to me having just had an awesome night!!
09 4월 2007
S2H3 Hash Trash

After being in Korea for a little over a year, I decided it was time to finally get my ass out of bed and see what the Southside Hash House Harriers are all about. Their GF, Eager Beaver, got ahold of me late Saturday afternoon and convinced me to head way out of Yaksu for some dinner, drinking, and general hash debauchery before the actual trail on Sunday morning. For those of you PA and TX hashers reading this, I would say it's totally fair to compare Southside's GF with H5's very own, very lovable Tour De Puke. Yup, one minute he's totally fine, and the next he's shit faced drunk, passed out cold in some food tent still clinging to a bottle or 3 of soju. So drunk in fact that he's got no idea where our hotel is (which also happened to be where my keys and belongings were located). Typical hash behavior right, so what can one do? Eight Ball took care of getting Beaver somewhere safe, and Just Jon, myself, Brooks, and my buddy Just Shane walked FOREVER trying to find our hotel. No luck. I end up crashing at Just Shane's house with no idea what happened to anyone else. A text from Just Jon around 5 a.m. confirmed that he'd decided to return to Suwon. How he made it to Suwon (or even how he made it to 5 a.m.) is a mystery to me!
Needless to say I was not in the best shape the next morning, and I didn't even have any soju! Hares were off at 11 a.m. (and just to give fair warning - there will be no end to my bitching about the early morning start times!) and I was over an hour away by subway. I didn't make it for the start of the trail, but when I finally did get to the start point (Olympic Park) around 11:20 I quickly found Eight Ball, Just Aaron, a virgin named Just Steve, and Chicken Fucker searching for true trail near one of the subway exits. They immediately proclaimed the trail to be absolutely S.H.I.T.T.Y. To me, any trail that forces me to get out of bed at 9 a.m. on a Sunday is shitty so I didn't think too much of their complaints and joined them in their search for trail marks. Uh, yeah....shitty trail. We ran, we walked, we scouted in all directions, we climbed over walls and stalked through parking garages. Nothing. Nada. Zip. We yelled, we cursed, we got alot of strange looks, and still NOT A FUCKING ARROW, CHECK, OR BN TO BE FOUND!!! I give props to anyone who agrees to hare, and I am not exactly an FRB and certainly worry a bit about getting snared but seriously! The idea of haring is not to fuck with the pack and get everyone lost and frustrated! Give us some clues!! This is the only trail I've ever been on where the pack was so lost that someone just flat out grabbed some chalk and relaid a trail back to the on-after.
Now that I've filled you in on the shittiness of the trail, let me just say that the parts of true trail that we did find took us through some interesting places and overall it was just really great to be out there on trail, meeting other half minds like myself.
After trail we circled up at Olympic Park. Announcements were made, trash was talked, and down downs were administered. First, of course, the hares were in the circle for the trail. Next came virgins and newcomers which consisted of me and 2 Korean dudes. Our GF was accused of something or other, one of the hares shall henceforth be known as Avon's Bitch, and I think there were more but I can't remember who or why so apologies for that. The usual songs were sung, there was some kind of ridiculous interpretive dance thing us first timers had to endure (You're a horse!! No, you're riding a horse naked! No, no! You're naked, and you're going to steal a horse...seriously S2H3, wtf?!?!?) and the circle closed out with a fabulous rendition of Swing Low. No real on-after, something that was extremely different from my beloved LVH3, but we hung in the park drinking beers for a few hours and then Chicken Fucker, one of the virgins and myself continued with some yummy cheeseburgers and Cass at Geckos in Itaewon. Here's a few pics...Blogger is being a total douche bag so excuse the crap formats and lack of shots...I couldn't be arsed to upload any more. I may edit and add some later. Of course, I may not. I hope you especially enjoy the last 4 shots of Kimchi Fridge demonstrating in 4 easy steps how to kick yourself in the head. Overall, it was a great time. On-on to next time!! I'll be meeting up with the S2H3 again in 2 weeks...anyone wanna join me? Leave a comment or email me and I'll make sure you get the info!