31 3월 2006

Everyone welcome my friend Andrew to the blogging world. Make sure you tell him how much his blog sucks! http://www.agutshall.blogspot.com

30 3월 2006

Some of the sights (and smells) of my new neighborhood.

People would just walk up to the table and eat a piece of this huge fish. I didn't have any. It was pretty warm out, and they were set up outside my school for awhile. The whole thing was meant to attract customers to the opening of a kids clothing store.

29 3월 2006

Me & Kim

I turned my back in class for, like, 3 seconds and when I turned back around I found this. I don't know why but it struck me as so funny I couldn't stop laughing. I think they were a little mad at me for giving them too much homework - not that they bother to do it anyway.

R U??

So I'm bumming around Namsan Park Sunday afternoon, and I discover that I'm accidentally on trail!!