Deeper Shade Of Seoul
18 8월 2007
17 8월 2007
Good Luck Brownie!!!

Today my big brother will pack up and head to Leadville, Colorado, and tomorrow at 4 a.m. he'll start running. And he'll keep running. For 100 friggin' miles! He thinks the Hope Pass area will be the most difficult, and says if he's able to hit it by nightfall he should be fine. By nightfall? Can you imagine starting at 4 a.m. and still be running at nightfall???? I think it's awesome! I also think he's nuts, but hey the more crazy behavior he and my little brother involve themselves in, the less the folks are gonna be looking at my behavior, right?
This is how the Leadville website describes the course: 50 miles out and back in the midst of the Colorado Rockies. Lowest point is 9,200 ft. and the highest point is Hope Pass, 12,600 ft. The majority is on forest trails with some mountain roads. Pacers allowed after the 50 mile point. 11 well-supplied aid stations with cut-offs; 5 are medical checks. Christ, if I even made it to the first medical check that's probably where I'd be pronounced dead. And that would be way after the cutoff time.
Here's some pics of the Hope Pass areas of the course, stolen from Brownie who stole them from somewhere else.
GOOD LUCK BROWNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!! I'll drink some cheap yellow beer and jager shots in your honor!!!
16 8월 2007

15 8월 2007

13 8월 2007

And the rest of my weekend? Friday night Mic (finally) got home from a week-long Unicef volunteer project so we hung out and watched a movie at my place. He was feeling a bit ill, so within minutes of starting the movie he was sound asleep. Feeling bad for him, I made him some Thera-flu and after he drank that he mumbled some sort of apology for being so tired and sick and was out cold for the rest of the night. Yeah, it was an exciting time! Sunday I was a total bum. Skipped the hash for no good reason, just felt like being lazy. Watched TV, drank too much coffee, and ate many many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Later in the day I went to the bookstore, watched CSI and then went to bed. Thrilling stuff, eh?

12 8월 2007
You guys see this? I'm disgusted...