Deeper Shade Of Seoul
11 2월 2006
10 2월 2006
09 2월 2006
I leave in a few weeks!! Man, at first it seemed like it would never get here, now everything is just happening way too fast! I'm starting to get a little sad and withdrawn, and it's been weird hanging out with certain people because I know I'll never see them again. The details of the move and the new job are a little overwhelming so instead of thinking about that I'm trying to focus on how much I love to travel and get into new adventures. Here's some pics from past the 3rd pic, you can sort of see some of the damage done when I broke my leg in Thailand, and check out my dirty hippie look in the last one. All I had to do was not shower for awhile (no running water in that part of the world) and *poof* instant hippie! I also had some dreadlocks in that picture...thank God they don't really show up!

08 2월 2006
Heading down to AC Friday night for one last trip with the girls! Should be fun...I get to dress/act like a girl, which is something I don't do very often. Here's some pics from the last time we went (heavily mom reads this!!).

A brief excerpt from an email I received from one of my soon-to-be co-workers in Korea. Great. Should I forewarn him that I've pretty much had it with the entire gender?
'I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that, unless something should happen in the mean time, you will be the only female foreign teacher at this school beginning the new semester. We looked hard for another female teacher, came close twice, but ultimately had to hire another male teacher instead.'
'I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that, unless something should happen in the mean time, you will be the only female foreign teacher at this school beginning the new semester. We looked hard for another female teacher, came close twice, but ultimately had to hire another male teacher instead.'
07 2월 2006
For Those Who Can't Get Enough Of Me...
I've been tagged...I think I might have sent this out on email recently...anyway, DNA Princess, Stof (I know you're lurking), and Ian - you're next!1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30ish
2. Diamonds or pearls? I'll take both, but I think pearls are much classier. Opals are my all time favorite.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Ballet Russes. I cried twice.
4. What was the last TV program you watched? Adult Swim.
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Black coffee
6. What is your favorite cuisine? Thai for food, Italian for pastry and wine.
7. What foods do you dislike? Mayonnaise and sushi. Just typing those words makes me throw up a little in my mouth.
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? It's a tie between Middleswarth BBQ and Reduced Fat Cheez-Its.
9. What's your favorite CD at the moment? I've been totally stuck on a random mix a friend made me for my birthday.
10. What kind of car do you drive? 04 Jeep Liberty and 05 Aprillia scooter
11. Favorite sandwich? Bacon cheeseburger
12. What characteristics do you despise? Selfishness. And anyone who tells me I should wear make-up.
13. Favorite item of clothing? A super old, ripped pair of jeans. I wear them all the time.
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? There's nowhere I wouldn't go, except maybe to an Eagles game.
15. What color is your bathroom? Some weird shade of salmon with black tile. Sounds odd, but it looks cool.
16. Favorite brand of clothing? don't really have one. i like the designs of stella mccartney and bcbg alot, though.
17. Where would you go to retire? Somewhere warm, surrounded by alot of water.
18. Favorite time of the day? It's not the morning, that's for damn sure.
19. What was your most memorable birthday? 24th. Ha Ha!
20. Where were you born? Sunbury, PA
21. Favorite sport to watch? X Games and the Olympics. And college basketball, and the sixers.
22. Who do you least expect to respond to this? ???
23. Person you expect to send it back first? DNA Princess, maybe?
24. What fabric detergent do you use? Whatever my roommate buys (sorry, QNL!!)
25. Named after anyone? Nope, but I'm sure people will one day be named after me!
26. Do you wish on stars? Yes, all the time.
27. When did you last cry? At the movies (see #3)
28. Do you like your handwriting? Yup. There's not much about me that I don't like.
29. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hell yeah. I'm SUPERFLYCOOL!!
30. Are you a daredevil? Yup. I do alot of dumb shit. I also get hurt alot.
31. Do looks matter? Yes
32. How do you release anger? Unfortunately I have a bad habit of holding it in.
33. Where is your second home? I don't even feel like I have a first home.
34. What were your favorite toys as a child? Definitely my bike, and probably also my sit n spin and terry brooks and judy blume books.
35. What class in High School was totally useless? Were there any that weren't totally useless? Having to sew a stuffed animal in the shape of a basketball with arms and legs in home ec sticks in my mind as being pretty fucking ridiculous.
36. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me?!? Nooo...
37. Favorite movies? Life is Beautiful, Amelie, The Incredibles, Boondock Saints, Monsters Inc., almost anything by Tim Burton (esp. Nightmare Before Christmas), Finding Neverland...
38. What are your nicknames? Jes, jt, Teish, Begging For It...I'm sure I've been called alot of other names as well!!
39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Hardly ever.
40. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, yes. Emotionally, I can be a little sensitive.
41. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Depends on my mood. I'm a fan of anything chocolate, though.
42. What are your favorite colors? Blue
43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I have a love/hate relationship with my overactive imagination and high level of sensitivity.
44. Who or what do you miss the most? I miss being little, when everything was simple.
45. Do you want everyone to respond back? I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it...
46. What color pants are you wearing? Jeans (see #13)
47. What are you listening to right now? Microphone Fiend by Eric B. & Rakim
48. Last thing you ate? Reduced fat Cheez-its
49. If you were a Crayon what color would you be? Something shiny
50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Actual conversation=Stof. Text=Joey
51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height, maybe? I like smart, funny, weird boys.
52. Favorite drink? Coffee, beer, orange soda
53. Do you wear contacts? I'm supposed to wear glasses, but I hardly ever do. Should look into lasik...
54. Favorite day(s) of the year? Any from the first day of spring to the first day of winter
>55. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings
>56. Summer or winter? SUMMER!!
57. Hugs or kisses? Depends who they're from, but I like both.
58. What is your favorite dessert? Anything chocolate.
59. What book(s) are you reading? Angels and Demons, Lonely Planet Guidebook of Seoul, The Physics of Superheroes.
60. What's on your mouse pad? nothing.
61. Favorite smells? When QNL makes Xmas cookies
62. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Stones rock (though not at this year's Superbowl!!)
63. What's the furthest you've been from home? Probably Singapore.
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic |
![]() Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few. But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky. Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski |
Hmmm...a movie all about would have to be animated, of course. I wonder who would play me? And how the fuck did 'Showgirls' get in there as a best movie match?
Maybe someday (after I've left the country) I'll share a few stories about some of my freaky fans...
05 2월 2006
This is the Happiest Day of My Life
Lance Armstrong, Sheryl Crow Break UpFeb 4, 4:38 AM EST
Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow have split, the couple announced in a joint statement Friday night. The seven-time Tour de France champion and the rock star announced their engagement in September. It would have been her first marriage and his second. He has three children from a previous marriage.
"After much thought and consideration we have made a very tough decision to split up. We both have a deep love and respect for each other and we ask that everyone respect our privacy during this very difficult time," the statement said.
Armstrong, 34, recovered from testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and brain to become the dominant athlete in one of the world's most grueling sporting events.
His seven consecutive Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005 are a race record. He retired after winning his last race with Crow rooting him on.
Armstrong and the 43-year-old Crow met in October 2003 and began dating shortly after.
Crow called Armstrong the inspiration for her last album, "Wildflower," which was released in September.
She performed a free concert soon after in Austin, Armstrong's adopted hometown, to coincide with the ninth anniversary of Armstrong's diagnosis with testicular cancer.
"We've always had parties or celebrations on that day," Armstrong said in late September. "It was just a way to do something for a city that has done a lot of things for me. We're basically saying thank you for all the support."
Crow talked about being part of a celebrity couple in an interview with The Associated Press in November, saying she wasn't crazy about all the attention that goes with it.
She said celebrity magazines are more interested in seeing a couple break up than reporting on them being happy together.
"When we were rumored to have split, and when our publicists called these magazines to say we haven't split, the magazines were all so disappointed because that's really what's selling, rooting for a couple and then they split," she said. "That's what sells the magazines.
"Why can't we just report things the way they are or see things for the good in them? ... It's an insidious energy."
Armstrong was living with Crow on a ranch in the Austin area.