You're Gay. I knew It.
I stumbled across this while browsing random blogs tonight, and thought I'd share.
This site , which is operated by completely nutty Christians (before you fire off that nasty, misspelled email please let me state that I don't think all Christians are nut cases) who believe people choose to be gay, has put together a list of
GAY BANDS. Which is not to say that the band members are gay. It's to say that if you listen to any of them, you are. Apparently you're really doomed if you like Elton or The Indigo Girls, as they're listed twice. I like them both, along with several others on the list, which makes me, what? Gay to the 18th power??? Super Gay (oohh...i feel a new comic book hero idea coming on...)?
Anyway, here's the list. The site itself made me laugh out loud, and I'll be sure to toast them from my favorite gay bar tomorrow night. Thinking about what they're doing to families during what could be a vulnerable, difficult time, however, makes me sick. Of course, the man who proclaims he can "cure" homosexuals has admitted that he has "acted on his homosexual urges," so maybe this thing is just an elaborate scheme to pick up men...
There was always something about you Metallica fans I couldn't quite put my finger on...
The Spores (endorse suicide)
Scissor Sisters
Rufus Wainwright
Ravi Shankar
Tech N9ne
Ghostface Killah
Bobby Conn
Morton Subotnik
Cole Porter
The String Cheese Incident
Eagles of Death Metal
Polyphonic Spree
The Faint
Tegan and Sara
Le Tigre
The Gossip
The Magnetic Fields
The Doors
The Strokes
Sufjan Stevens
The Pet Shop Boys
Judas Priest
The Village People
The Secret Handshake
The Rolling Stones
David Bowie
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Man or Astroman
Richard Cheese
Depeche Mode
Ani DiFranco
John Mayer
Angel Eyes
The Indigo Girls
Velvet Underground
Elton John
Barry Manilow
Indigo Girls
Melissa Etheridge
Boy George*
The Killers
Lou Reed
Lil' Wayne
Jill Sobule
Wilson Phillips
Lisa Loeb
Ted Nugent (loincloth)
Thirty Seconds to Mars
Lil' Kim
kd lang
Frank Sinatra
Justus Kohncke
Bob Mould
Clay Aiken
Arcade Fire
Bright Eyes
Corinne Bailey Rae
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Panic at the Disco
Elton John(really gay)
There's No Hand Sanitizer at Krispy Kreme
Good morning!!!!! Happy Friday!!!!! I'm so excited for the weekend!!!!! My agenda this weekend? Well, nothing tonight. I just wanna relax a bit. Tomorrow I wanna get some reading done, have a yummy Toffee Nut Latte at Starbucks, and maybe try to get a haircut (anyone know a decent place to go besides Tony and Guys in Apgujeong?) before I meet up with Adrian, and then tomorrow night is Shelly's birthday party! I'm so excited to see everyone!!! It's been forever since we were all together!
Since it's Shells' birthday it's pretty much her weekend and in honor of that I'd like to share a picture from one of the funniest things that's ever happened when we were together. Seriously, I laughed so hard I nearly peed. Who knew getting coffee could be so hysterical???

Just had a little chat with my bestest friend EVER and now I'm a bit depressed. Not depressed in a
SOMETHING HAPPENED AND I'M UPSET kind of way, just in a
WHY CAN'T SHIT BE A LITTLE SIMPLER kind of way. Ya know??? I mean, I have a partially completed list of
147 reasons why things should go my way, but it doesn't seem to matter. So I'm about to crawl into my bed, pull the covers up over my head, and listen to some jazz until I fall asleep.
I'm in a jazz mood because I met up with Minho earlier and we stopped at this little tiny bar and there was a live jazz band playing. And they were good!! We didn't stay long since he's only managed to memorize 900 Chinese characters so far. His exam is sometime in February, and he's got about 1100 more to memorize before that.
EASY PEASY!!! I mean, really, who doesn't know 2000 Chinese characters off the top of their head?!?
Oh, and blogger won't let me publish comments for some reason. Maybe the reason is that it sucks. But I can read them through my email. Jay Lee, you're right to call me out on my error. I've known for a while I should stop opening my mouth when I have no idea what I'm talking about (not that that knowledge has kept me from opening my mouth when I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, but still...knowing
is half the battle.
RL will tell you what the other half is). Anyway, maybe now I should try to stop blogging when I have no idea what I'm talking about...
OK. That's it. Goodnight!!!
Marketing Genius???

Kevin snapped this picture on the subway quite some time ago, and I've been meaning to post it ever since. See the sticker on the back of the wheelchair? Yup, it says "KARMA." Yup, it's the manufacturer of the wheelchair. Seriously. Who the fuck would name a wheelchair company "Karma??" That shit would never fly in the States...
LVH3's 50th!!!!!
Saturday marked the 50th trail for my beloved
LVH3, of which I am proud to be a co-founder. I really wish I could have been there, especially after I heard about the V.I.P visit from none other than Tumbling Bill Panton himself. I'm looking forward to my welcome home pub crawl (you have started the preparations, right QNL??) and especially looking forward to the St. Patty's weekend. For a variety of reasons (namely beer, soju, and other random alcoholic beverages) I haven't been able to make the Sunday A.M. trails here in Korea, and I'm definitely missing hashing. Congratulations LVH3, hopefully there'll be many more trails in the future!!
Here's a copy of QNL's hash trash...check out the website for more info and pics.
"When I began hashing, KL was the only hash in the world" (Tumbling Bill Panton)
LVH3's 50th hash has come and gone, but it will not soon be forgotten. You may remember this hash for the freezing cold temperatures or maybe because of the visiting dignitaries on hand, or perhaps because of a trail that came as close to hash perfection as is humanly possible. Yes, dear wanks, this was a hash for the history books.
A sub freezing January afternoon at the Little Lehigh Fish Hatchery was the setting for the forty or so half-minds that gathered for LVH3's momentous 50 th trail. A great collection of the Lehigh Valley faithful, along with 6 Virgins, were joined by Rumson's Dave the Mason, H5's Tour de Puke, Fart Connor, and Quaterstick, Pittsburgh's Flicker, New York's Cider Man, H5 and Reading GM's Bushrat and Over Exposed, Philly's Otis, and Kuala Lumpur's Tumbling Bill Panton (sorry if I missed anyone). A true honor to have Bill at our hash, a KL original, from the days when the mother hash was the only game in town. Known as the "Father of American Hashing" Bill founded the DC hash, The Bangkok Hash, and is the official hash historian and genealogist. He came to visit on our 50 th to record LVH3's genealogy. (Incidentally we found out that we are a 6th generation hash through Okinawa rather than an 8th generation through New York as previously thought, page to be updated soon). But enough of the history, on to the sordid details of the hash.
Hares for the day were your's truly and our religious advisor, Holy Sh*t. Trail was a mix of up and down hill shiggy, some streets, a lot of prickers, thorns, briars, and nettles, and yeah, about a quarter million trout. First leg took the pack immediately into the woods, and presented a Turkey/Eagle split. Turkey's took a long, but straight walk on a nice path through the woods, while eagles climbed a shiggy hill, r*n some deer paths, scared a few horses, and came back to the original path. Most hounds short-cut the final check at the bottom of the hill and proceeded directly to the church yard, cemetery and new shiggy paths. Others found their way through the Christmas tree dump and eventually to the same woods. Both groups soon found the first BC, tucked away in a thicket of trees, and libation was had by all.
Shortly thereafter we were out on leg two. This leg took the pack immediately through the woods and into a pine grove. Searching out true trail, it was back into the cemetery, through an apartment complex, a neighborhood, a school yard, baseball field, and farm and on-on to BC # 2, once again placed in a shiggy filled gully. Various "ground scores" were found in this area including a broken basketball backboard and rim, Wolfram's softball, and of course Quarterstick's arrow (see pics). Once again, the hounds were watered and we were off on the final leg of the hash. Holy and I were well on our way to laying the last bit of trail when we were snuck up on by a short cutting bastard called Bushrat. Yes, we were caught by Bushrat, who was posing as a fitness walker, on the path below us. I've been caught only twice as a hare, both times by Okinawa born hashers (Grabbag being the other). What the hell are they teaching them over there? Relax boys, drink a beer…. Anyway, this leg took the pack up and down some hills, through some corporate parking lots, and back to the hatchery, where the pack cooled off or warmed up and got ready to leave for the on-after.
However, there was still a pack of DFL's out on trail including a few of our virgins, Grab Here, Succubus and the wonder pup, and Tumbling Bill. I left to do some recon in search of the stragglers, and, about 500 yards from the pack, I noticed a great blue heron flying next to me along the stream. Just a quarter mile from the raucous pack, I trod the cinder path alone, in silent awe of this giant, beautiful bird. As I r*n along the stream, he glided effortlessly just a few yards to my side. As I slowed down, the herron also came to rest, descending majestically into the stream. He took his perch, turned his head, looked into my eyes and said, "Check your cell phone you dumb bastard". And I did, and it was Holy telling me that the DFL's had arrived and it was time to head to the Liberty for religion and pizza. And so it was done.
The Liberty proved a worthy host for this debaucherous pack of hounds. Pizza, wings, beer, beer, beer, beer. Our RA called everyone into the poolroom for the circle and began with the hares. What was wrong with the trail? Too warm, too few thorn bushes, not enough hills, and the like. Next were our virgins, and then our visitors. Missing hashers, hash crashes, false accusations, when one GM drinks, all in, etc. The highlight for me, however, was the ability to hear from Tumbling Bill about our lineage, and to toast both him and LVH3's 50 th at the same time. A truly memorable event.
The circle concluded with a rousing Swing Low and final blessing. Some stuck around for more singing, some left for more refreshment. The pack trickled out a few at a time, over the next couple of hours, until a small core group decided to on-on-on at Mangina's. Nightcaps, guitars, war stories, and the night ended happily ever after.
On a personal note, it was kick-ass to celebrate our 50th hash yesterday. Major props to all of the LVH3 hashers who have kept our hash thriving, (even if it did take us three tries to get here). Thanks as well to our visitors who helped to get us off the ground and who came to celebrate yesterday (especially the half-minds of h5 who were sometimes half the pack in the earliest times. H5 does "rock" as you all like to say…). A big nod, as always, to Grabbag, who kept hashing alive in the valley during the "dark times". ON-ON to the "third time's a charm" LVH3!!