Albino Squirrels Freak Me Out
Did you guys know that if you do an internet search for cripple porn one of the first things that comes up is a picture of albino squirrels humping? They're freaky little bastards! A bunch of stuff for The Special Olympics comes up, too. How gross is it to think about some big, sweaty dude jerking off to pics of Corky??? Grossness, indeed.
I'm off to bed. Goodnight.
Joel is using an enormous amount of curse words to remind me who I am. I love him so much right now!!
My room is in desperate need of a cleaning. Not exactly how I wanna spend my day off, but I guess I'll work on it until I get a better offer.
Or at least until the creepy fog and mist clear and I can get outside. Or until Gaylord wakes his stayed out too late on a bicycle pub crawl ass up and brings me coffee, cause it's his turn to deliver the Starbucks.
Wouldn't mind seeing Tropic Thunder...
Also need to hit the gym...
Need to get off the internets and clean my room...
Muir, Part Deux

Wednesday morning I got my ass out of bed and went for a fairly long (long for me, anyway) run through my new neighborhood. After that, I jumped into Einstein and cruised over to Cafe Trieste in Sausalito to meet my buddy Matt for an early lunch before we headed over to Muir. Turns out that Cafe Trieste has amazing pizza. It also turns out that Cafe Trieste is NOT the same thing as the Sausalito Taco Shop, which is where I thought we were meeting. Oops.
We spent a few hours cruising through Muir Woods on a trail I hadn't been on yet. I forget the name of the trail, but I could easily find it again. My appreciation for Muir just grows and grows everytime I'm there.
After Muir we headed to our respective homes, showered up (well, he did anyway, I just stayed dirty), met again at my place where we hung out for a bit with my roommate Lucy, and then we went down to the Beach Chalet for some wings, garlic fries, and Presidio IPAs.
Muir Woods
While KBS was here, we took a cruise through Sausalito, stopped for a long brunch with too many mimosas and bloody mary's, and then headed over to Muir Woods. It was my first time there, and I loved it! I even obeyed the "quiet zone" signs and didn't say one word for 10 whole minutes!!
Muir Woods has quickly become my go to place when I'm feeling like I need to get out of the city, which means I've been spending a lot of time there recently.
The last pic is of me trying to hide from KBS. I didn't know until I saw the picture that I wasn't nearly as sneaky as I thought I was being! :)

Just Getting Caught Up...
So things here haven't gone exactly as I'd hoped they would, but I guess that's life and, really, what fun would life be if everything went according to plan? And, really, when has my life EVER gone according to plan anyway?? :-)
But (!!!!) it hasn't been all suck. KBS came to visit, which was awesome, because I looooove him, so we spent some time exploring the city a little, drinking, eating more Korean food, singing ballads at karoake...he hasn't sent me any pictures yet (hint, hint) but here's a few I took.

Korean Food With Tony

Went to Brothers Korean restaurant on Geary Street with my buddy Tony. I was soooo excited to discover that they had yummy chicken goodness (translated into English as "Chicken Casserole") on the menu, and ordered it right away. They served it much differently than in Korea when Joel and I would order it. It didn't even look like the same thing, though it tasted almost the same. It made me miss Joel terribly. I couldn't even eat the third leg (only Joel will get that...hahahahaha).
So we got the chicken stuff, the typical grilled meat, all the awesome side dishes, and paid a small fortune for what would have cost us about man won each in Korea. I tried to finish the meal off with some makolli, but they didn't have any. :-(
Did we go out after we finished dinner??? I can't remember...

These are some old photos from a walk on the beach we took one morning after breakfast. My new apartment is pretty close to this beach, so I've been riding my new road bike down there pretty often. My new apartment is also close to the Beach Chalet, which has yummy food and brews its own beers. Lately, my bike rides have been including a few Presidio IPAs as well. :)