Justin's Back

I got a haircut. See? That's alot of hair to cut off considering how short it was already. MY HEAD IS FREEZING!!!
The next day, I was
transferring to the green line to go to Lotte World, and I saw a picture of some rather feminine looking dude sporting my new haircut. See? I'm such a trendsetter. Everyone wants to look like me. Which, apparently, also means looking like a rather feminine looking dude.
Achilles is coming over for lunch in exactly 1 hour and 34 minutes. It's hard to tell which is dirtier right now...my apartment, or me. :) Hope you're not expecting much, buddy!
But I do have Hairspray on DVD, which will make the trip from Guemho well worth the trouble!
Oh, and Happy Year of the Rat!! I celebrated Lunar New Year's (Sol-lal) by going to Lotte World!! I'll post pics soon!!
OK. So, assuming there's no surgical procedures, hair removal stuff, etc. Would you guys rather have glow in the dark body hair, or 17 testicles/breasts?
If you were getting down with someone for the first time, which would you rather find???
Still Sleeping?
Clearly, I need to work on my telepathic abilities.
I can tell by recent thoughts I've been having that I am dangerously close to getting in trouble due to my imagination...
Good Night
I was reading myself a bedtime story tonight and I found this:
Whenever I go on a trip, I think about all the homes I've had & I remember how little has changed about what comforts me.Yeah.
Sweet dreams...
Hee Hee...
Messica. HAHAHAHA!!
Not the best story I've ever heard, but I kind of dig the author. ;)
This morning I'm dancing to FOLLOW YOU by Josh Kelley. Discovered during my Josh-themed slumber party decorations research. :)
Getting Excited!
GLF just dumped me.
ON FACEBOOK!!! Fucker.
You guys think getting dumped on Facebook is better or worse than getting dumped by text message (which, sadly enough, has also happened to me)?
Who's winning the Superbowl?? Oh...guess it doesn't matter if you're just rooting for whoever wins!
Last Night

Jaeger Bombs. Yuck!
After work one day this week my coworkers and I went for donkas (did I spell that right?). YUM!!! I don't know the name of the place, but based on their slogan (Our Pork Cutlet is as tasty as our name suggests) it must've been something like TASTIEST PORK CUTLET EVER RESTAURANT! 
We didn't know exactly what the Ladies' Choice donkas was, but Diane and I decided it would probably turn out to be small and disappointing. :)

Yum! Sweet potato! YUM YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!