
Check out what I get to cruise around the city in. A SMART car. I know you're jealous.
It's Official...
I'm a total nut job.
My brain has become my own worst enemy. Sigh.
If it helps, I feel really bad about being such a moron.
ol' ball and chain is gone for the weekend...off to Reno for a bachelor party/hash/visit with his sister/get a long ride in before the Cal24 endurance run next weekend trip. I miss the grumpy bastard, and I'd have given anything to see him belt out Pat
Benatar at karaoke last night, but the weekend came at a perfect time when we were both feeling like a few days away from each other would be a good thing. Edward is away this weekend at Brushwood, so Stephanie and I had a nice long chat where we caught up on everything and praised the awesomeness of being home alone every now and then.
I've mostly spent my time alone getting some of my grown up stuff in order (finally rolled over my old 401K!!), enjoying complete control over the TV, exploring Golden Gate Park a little more, searching for parking, and actually using my gym membership. An
acquaintance told me about a festival on Haight tomorrow, so I'm gonna try to check that out during the day. I've been meaning to stop by that area to see Ricket at the tattoo place anyway, so hopefully he works on Sunday and I can get that out of the way. And did I mention that I've consumed my own weight in reduced-fat Cheeze Its???
Otherwise, not much new. I have some photos to post, but I gave my USB cord to Gaylord and I'm not sure where he put it and I don't feel like searching for it. There's a large park right down the street from us...I forget the name but we've driven by it 1,000 times. Think I'm gonna grab my new issue of Outside magazine and go find a cozy tree to sit under. Enjoy your Saturday (or Sunday, for my lovely friends still in Korea!!).