Silly Blogger
Lately, whenever I try to stalk my
blog crush I get an error message. And at the top of the message it says, "Describe what you were doing when you got this message." HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Trust me, blogger folks, you don't wanna know.
I also like Hyundai, but I just can't bring myself to root for a team called The Unicorns. Anyway, my team plays the Lions March 31st...anyone?? Anyone??
Fuck Off, Joseph

This is my buddy Joseph, who is responsible for every student in our school singing Yellow Submarine. It's only slightly annoying. Joseph arrived in Korea about 2 days after I did and has been an awesome friend, neighbor, co-worker, and partner in crime. He's finished his contract and on Monday he'll head back home to Ohio. I'm pretty bummed about it. Our school is definitely not going to be the same without him.
Mud Fest is July 14 - 22nd. I'm in, Beaks is in...who else??
Last night I headed to 강남 for dinner with Heidi, Cam, Saejin, and Saejin's coworker who was totally adorable but I forget her name because I'm a complete asshole. Then we met up with everyone else at The Wolfhound in Itaewon, where I spent lots of time talking with my buddy Joseph, who also happened to be there. And then blah, blah, blah, stuff, stuff, stuff, everyone called me Justin all night and I kept saying "BUT I'M A GIRL, I SWEAR!!!" and then we went to Bliss. I like Bliss as a starting point, but it's too dark and cozy for a late night place. All those couches and pillows, and it's so dark...I was ready to curl up and go to sleep. I would have too, if it weren't for the knowledge that my friends would have done dirty and mean things to me. So instead of falling asleep Heidi and I tried to sneak off to McDonald's for some cheeseburgers. Oohh...that reminds me. Cam owes me a beer for his "You can't eat all that!" challenge!! Silly boy. Here's a pic of some cute dude I stole from Shells. I think his name is Justin.

Jesus, We're Fucking Pretty!

Heidi has returned safe and sound from her visit to the new trendy vaca spot...Allentown, PA!!! She was missed sooooo much by all of us! I can't wait until we can all get together again...which, according to her phone call is going to be Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night.
"Sunbury Barbie"This Barbie now comes with a stroller and infant doll. Optional accessories include a GED and bus pass. Gangsta Ken and his 1979 Caddy were available, but are now very difficult to find since the addition of the infant.
Sorry, Dude
He's probably gonna bring this up next time I say, "Hey! How come you don't visit me in Seoul more often?!?!?"

So maybe Cam was right and my camera
will fix itself! This is one of the many pictures of me being an asshole from Saturday night. I got all the pictures today and seriously, I don't know why anyone wants to be in public with me.
We're A Good Time
Yesterday during my kindergarten class RL sent me an assload of texts that made me laugh out loud (that's lol, btw - I seriously just found out what lol meant the other day. No kidding. Today I learned IHTFOIAM. Soon I'll have a degree in this shit). Then I had to lie to my kids about why I was laughing, because really, how do you explain "scuzzy" to a bunch of 5 year olds?? Especially in the context she was using it in! A few minutes later one of my kids asked me how big my head was, and I was able to say "About 1 centimeter smaller than RachellAnne's...or whatever the fuck her name is," because we actually measured our heads one time at dinner to see whose was bigger. Yup, I love her so much she's going to give the eulogy at my funeral and lemme tell ya, based on our rough draft and accompanying sketches, that alone is reason enough to show up.
Seriously, there are exactly
525,600 reasons why I love this girl, which is also how many pictures I have of the 2 of us together, and I think it's also the number of times I have serenaded her. Here's a small sampling of how much of a good time we are. I like to call this collection "Me, and Miss 2006 Boji of the Year."